This story is so sad but very common in most religions.
I only ever took my children to the KH a couple of times- they hated it, happy healthy children dont like sitting still and being quiet, and I understand that so the majority of the time I left them at home with my husband. I remember getting into a debate about it with an elder's wife- she practicaly told me that I was a bad mother and did not know how to train my children "children need disapline and your not doing them any favours by leaving them at home" she said... I just smiled and brought all 3 of my kids to the next meeting, I sat and bottle feed one during the talk while my eldest two sat and played with lego on the floor. We would have stayed for the rest of the meeting only when the musical interlude started my then 2yr old stood up on his seat with his hands over his ears and proceeded to shout "turn it off mummy" when the singing started. LOLOLOL I love my son, it was our last visit to the hall. I used the "my kids are sick" excuse a few times over the next few weeks before I left my studies permanently (mabey I should have taken my son's advice sooner LOL).
Instead of going to churchy thingys and services, we just have fun family time playing in the yard, watching movies together, and they are currently helping me build a cubby house... Leaving religion behind has made my family life happier than the pretty pictures in the WT!