If your avatar that you have now was in place I swear I would have tried to hit on you instead of correct you or teach you even though I'm guessing that I'm 30 years your senor.
For that comment- your very forgiven
i know what the witness response is to this but what do you say now?.
If your avatar that you have now was in place I swear I would have tried to hit on you instead of correct you or teach you even though I'm guessing that I'm 30 years your senor.
For that comment- your very forgiven
i would have made it clear right from the start that the book was for entertainment purposes only.. .
It's called Wikipedia :-)
Lillith- likes this (I have spent way too much on facebook lately LOL )
i know what the witness response is to this but what do you say now?.
WOW!... Min, I answered your question from my own view point, and now I am being taught 'how to make a rebuttle' by frankiespeakin! (pages 10-11)
And so I would conclude that if you use such an rebuttal that you would have to be in agreement with 100% of what was stated to even be able to use it:I have to do what exactly????????? It may surprise you know, that there are people out there who can agree on one thing, even if they agree on nothing else.... I 99.9% agree with the statement I quoted- but I wasn't answering YOUR question when I posted it now was I Frankie?
Thankyou for the advice... but I am a big girl now- I can handle myself during a debate.... my first post on this thread wasn't to start a debate
i wanted to thank everyone as the year approaches its end.
and another missed opportunity for god to begin the great.
tribulation, how important this site is to me.
This site is my first cup in morning too... and just occassionally a few of these on my nights off
Thank You Simon and all the fantastic people who make JWN feel like home luv yas!
i am about to go into mediation with the ex to negotiate new child access arangements.
i was wondering about being able to negotiate this.
i may also end up going to court so it would be good to know if this ever been done.
Aussie- you have a PM... best of luck mate!
Welcome Abe
assuming the governments would pass a law requiring everyone to have a microchip i.d.
implant with gps tracking capabilities, storing your personal and financial data but also record all your movements.. would you be for or against it?.
personally i don't have a problem with it but i'm just wondering , what would be the drawbacks for the normal, law abiding citizen?.
Government and law officials make up what, 2 maybe 3% of our enitre populations??? if the other 97% say hell no!... then it aint going to happen!
i know what the witness response is to this but what do you say now?.
So basically the issues seems to be that people that DON'T believe in God don't like the fact that he hasn't done anything and are asking people who believe in God why he hasn't, correct?
And when those that believe in God show that don't think its God's "job" to do anythign that we can't do, those that don't believe in God to begine with have issues with a "common sense" answer.
My thoughts exactly- Thankyou PSacramento
Frankiespeakin- We can just skip the big bang theory discussion for a different thread (I have a different view/perspective on that), and if you look closely at my post, you'll see I put 'Deist of sorts'- I dont even hold myself 100% to the few basic common beliefs of that philosophy... just the parts that 'make sense'...
Would I like God to be 'active' and 'intervine'? yep... but I dont expect 'speacial treament' from anyone- this whole universe does not revolve around me and any of my wants... besides who am I to question God? and if I did... how do you I would recieve an answer? I seek for knowledge in the creation itself- as I quoted before,"only a poorly made creation would need constant tinkering with" and do you really think any mere human has enough knowledge and wisdom to ask for changes because they find this creation insufficiant or lacking somehow?????????? We- humans, have enough here at our disposal to make life peacfull for each other.... we just lack that which is preached in every religion/philosophy... do unto others/harm none etc...i know what the witness response is to this but what do you say now?.
Below is a "cut and paste job" of a post I made from a very similar thread about a month ago........ which I've spread out over two posts due to changes in post sizes and I have altered it a bit to better fit the question being asked....
As a Deist of sorts I am 99.9% a believer in a divine creator, I call this 'creator' natures god, (i will not for the sake of space on this tread go into extreme detail as per my idea of what or whom exactly god is to me, this is of no importance to the questions at hand).
To answer the question- "If God really cared.... blah blah blah....."
To quote a friend of mine ;
"I believe that describing God's non-interfence in his creation is just a way for some to put Deism down. Abandonment sounds negetive, as though the Deist God is indifferent or uncaring. This universe doesnt need intervention. It has everything it needs. Only a poorly-concieved or poorly-made creation would need to be constanly tinkered with to keep it functioning."- CClendenen.
So how do we reconcile our belief that God is caring if so many around us are sufferring? I have a few words as quoted from the Dali Lama to share in that regard;
"We live very close together. So, our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can not help them, at least dont hurt them."- Dali Lama
*** lv chap.
13 pp.
144-159 celebrations that displease god ***.
Cheers Guys & Gals , just throw confette instead of rice (rice swells up in birds stomachs and can make them very sick), if you must throw food- do it at the reception if you get board and scream out "Food Fight"!