You do realize that supporting Jehovah's Witnesses is not a passive choice, right? I'm guessing you've only been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses for the past few years.
Innocent people have died that could have been saved and had full lives (see changes in blood, Malawi, Nazi Germany)
Innocent children are sexually molested, brutally abused... and it goes unpunished and unreported, resulting in more children molested.
Millions have been robbed of reaching their full potential due to not attending college or pursuing dreams
Millions have had money stolen from them
Innocent people have had soul crushing lies pounded into their heads for over a century
How would you feel about someone that ran into a crowded theater and yelled "FIRE!" when there wasn't one? That is what JW's have been doing for over a century in field service.
How is it the best 'thing' going? How is it the best option? ANY support for this organization is a stand for something that kills innocent people and steals lives.
Sounds like Gods "chosen" imperfect ancient Israel doesn't it?