Thank you again, Atlantis.
( credit goes to average joe).
2011 school for congregation elders hand the link in the blue box by the blue arrow. use this site.1.
click the link and another page will open with the words "download file" in blue color, click on that link.
Thank you again, Atlantis.
this thread was inspired by the "a question for the ladies..." thread and anybody is welcome to post.. if you are now free and clear of the wts, how have your dress and grooming changed?
i'll start the ball rolling by saying that i made some changes that i really like.
i'm down to two suits and they are only for job interviews and perhaps some solemn occasion.
Here is a new look mixing some dress clothes with jeans:
i got this "privilege" thrust upon me for about 6 months many years ago.
i was a hubby, father of young children, service committee member, working 2 jobs and then this.
it truly is a thankless task.
Did you get stuck arranging the "hospitality" crap too?
i just had a realization looking at a website about the governing body.... in order to get there you no doubt have to have long service to the borg, but more importantly you have to be so deluded and out of touch that you think you're actually going to heaven!
these guys are so brain washed they believe everything so dearly that they actually think they are of the anointed.
no wonder they make such terrible decisions and policies, these guys are loons.. .
The reason that they are not adding new members to the GB is that they like the way the 2/3's majority is now, and don't want their boat rocked. They are yes men with no ideas, and running scared. I think the reason that the magazines are getting cut down in size is because THEY HAVE NO NEW IDEAS!
when i close my laptop tonight, i am sleeping for a few hours, taking a plane to lax, going fishing off the coast of catalina, playing golf, going to bishop to go trout fishing for a few days, taking the redeye back, picking up my kids and taking them to the zoo.. so, when, shortly, i close my laptop, it will be roughly one week hence before you have the pleasure of my wit, comedy and all around general awesomeness.. have a hell of week, folks..
Have a great time!
what i'd like to you care if there is a god or not?
do you care if you have found a religion and others haven't?
how serious is it if people don't agree with your spiritual agenda?
I am an Apatheist.
IE9 sux.
Yes and No.
of course everyone knows about the news of the candace conti child abuse case which has gone viral , ( one would have to live in a cave, under a rock, or another planet not to know about it ).
that being said - it may very well be that those jehovah's witnesses who do not use the internet, or read newspapers, or in simple english are neanderthal's, still living in the 19th century or before , out of fear of negative reprisal from wt authorities may have not even heard about this case because they are in the habit of not watching the news or using the internet.. so- with those particular type of people in mind my son flipper jr. & myself decided to print up about 20 copies of the candace conti child abuse lawsuit from the england daily mail issue , here's the link : .. so what we did is since we are doing some out of town jobs in several counties we figured we'd leave these child abuse news releases under jw car windshields at kingdom halls while they are out in field service.
we left about 15 so far at 3 different kingdom halls under car windshields .
To my Brother and Nephew,
You are ornery shits, that's why I love you.
P.S. So am I
a while ago* i set a goal to lose 10 pounds before summer.
today's the day.
i didn't make it.. .
You might not recognize me any more, with some of the changes I've made since we met last year. I have lost about 30 lbs, and to celebrate the summer solstice I am cold turkeying the cigarettes. I weigh less than I did when I graduated high school!