This thread was inspired by the "A Question For the Ladies..." thread and anybody is welcome to post.
If you are now free and clear of the WTS, how have your dress and grooming changed? I'll start the ball rolling by saying that I made some changes that I really like. I'm down to two suits and they are only for job interviews and perhaps some solemn occasion. I now own only three neckties. I wear casual slacks, shirts and shorts much more. I'm back in sandals and plan on getting one or two pairs of sneakers along with some hiking shoes. One item I especially want to wear are bow ties. I don't know how to tie one, but I've always wanted to wear them and think they would look especially good for a night out at the theatre or symphony with that special guy. Just a few changes, but they feel mighty good. Oh, I also have some really neat sweaters and a couple of ponchos that I left behind in Colorado but will eventually retrieve along with some other items. And I am going to wear a lot more hats. I have already targeted a bowler, ivy cap, stetson and am even considering a top hat--again for that night at the theatre.