Xenocidal - Expecting everyone to be killed by God but them, and they take glee in it.
i can't recall the word that describes a group that keeps to itself like the witnesses do.
i thought it was "insular" but i don't think that's the one i'm looking for after reading the definition.
i remember an elder using the word "clannish" and that has the proper definition but it reminds me of a group of elves.
Xenocidal - Expecting everyone to be killed by God but them, and they take glee in it.
i haven't posted much lately because i got a new job at the end of nov. and it's taken much of my time and mental energy.
i still read though and care for you all very much so i thought i should let you know about the meet-up i had yesterday with mr and mrs flipper.. hubby got a call the day before from flipper saying he and his wife were going to visit his mother (who is in a rest home in my town) and would we like to meet up for coffee?
hubby couldn't make it but i was delighted to accept.. we picked a burger place not far from the rest home and where i knew jdubs don't usually hang out on saturdays.
I am glad you had a good time with the Flips. Looking forward to seeing you and your hubby again in Tahoe this year!
JK (zed)
a very close friend of mine has gotten his letter.
although he was planning to leave willingly, he told me that he can't help but feel a sense of being stabbed in the back by a bunch of self righteous traitors.
he gave tours for years, always telling the visitors "this is the best way of life, i would never change anything here and i'll never regret making this decision to come here.
You are a dick, but on this thread you are truly out-dicking yourself.
hey guys.
i've decided that during this time of being dfed, maybe trying to get reinstated, i'm going to enjoy my time with myself.
that being said, i would like to do some traveling when the weather warms up across the us.
One thing that might be enlightening would be to go to the apostafest at Lake Tahoe in July. Beautiful scenery too.
Don't step in the poop!
first and foremost, thank you so much to so many of you who have reached out to me over the past few days since my post on sunday.
i'm not totally in the best mental state, however, i do have a very small amount of people that i can lean on for support.
i relayed my feelings to a friend (my only friend, really), who took the initiative to inform my family.
As for therapy, it would be good to find someone with experience with exiting cults.
okay, i'm about to engage in a major word vomit.
just giving you fair warning as your time may be better spent somewhere else.. so, i'm sitting on my lunch break, bawling my eyes out, and writing on this forum to people i don't know yet probably have a great deal in common with but at the same time, used to scare the daylights out of me.
for years, i would come across this forum and 'lurk' awhile if you will, or see things on youtube.
Just remember: the best thing about beating your head against the wall, is how good it feels when you stop!
Hang in there, it will get better.
from the time i was a small boy - i loved rock n' roll music.
beatles, rolling stones, led zeppelin, hendrix.
i started getting slighted for the music i listened to as i lay in my bedroom listening on headphones to led zeppelin's song " black dog " at age 14 with my elder dad looking suspiciously at me as i'm rocking out .
I may be the only person to wear a Dead Kennedys tee shirt while rehearsing for a drama. I was always a rebel.
i am on a pension, so i could not afford to pay for a psychologist, but my good doctor referred me to a free clinic for people on a low income, for my anxiety and depression, so i have finally got my first appointment with a psychologist since i started my fade, so where do i start trying to explain the mental trauma i feel as a fading jw?
i would appreciate your advice.
simple .
Tell them you left a cult, and are probably suffering from Compound PTSD.
That would be a good starting point.
Good luck,
from the time i was a small boy - i loved rock n' roll music.
beatles, rolling stones, led zeppelin, hendrix.
i started getting slighted for the music i listened to as i lay in my bedroom listening on headphones to led zeppelin's song " black dog " at age 14 with my elder dad looking suspiciously at me as i'm rocking out .
It was fun singing (screaming) with OTWO on the loneliest road in Nevada with the top down on the Jeep.