Theists make my butthole twitch!
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
Theists make my butthole twitch!
i just joined this sight today.
i'm hoping to find people here with similar experiences or have experience with similar situations or just any advise or feedback.. first.
my quick life story.. i was born into jw.
i need some ideas to raise money for my study research trip for west africa in cape coast ghana..
Buy a squeegee and harass drivers at stoplights.
origins and prelude (edgar chronicles).
for the last several days, there has been some kind of black bird strutting about on the starbucks patio searching for crumbs.. .
i don't particularly get along with these birds.
Glad you locked your bike.
usa$25.000 , silver-$15.000, bronze $10.000.
singapore $741000, silver $371000, bronze $185000.
unless your m.phelps you don't earn enough.. what is wrong with this picture?
The REAL money is in the endorsements baby!
when jehovah brings armageddon, will he let me live long enough to witness the deaths of my children and grand children because they didn't believe in him?
since i've faded and i don't promote worshiping him anymore, i am just wondering.. at least i'd know for sure what kind of god he is?.
Jehovah is a feckless, impotent turd.
i know that many here are no longer believers, but i also know that there are still some participating in this forum who consider themselves christians.
i recently refurbished my web site extensively, and thought some of you might enjoy browsing it.
some of my articles are aimed at exposing unbiblical teachings of the watchtower, and my video presentations on "darkness in the watchtower" and "the watchtower's mad science and bad medicine" have been particularly well received.
Jesus doesn't miss me, nor I him.
well it took awhile.
i've downsized.
got rid of my bmw.
I wonder if we will get updates from the closet by QTB!
(Quarterback The Bethelite)
i have settled in with a nice bottle of tullamore dew.
i have previously never tried any irish whiskeys other than jameson's.
i was wondering if there are any other irish whiskeys i should try.
I am not a fan of Scotch. The only one I can stand is Pinch. Any suggestions that does not taste like American Whiskey after it had been puked?
i have settled in with a nice bottle of tullamore dew.
i have previously never tried any irish whiskeys other than jameson's.
i was wondering if there are any other irish whiskeys i should try.
I have had a bad experience with a former relationship and Jameson, so looking to make a new start with the DEW.