The thing that tipped me off, was that JTB did not know what his "stipend" was. Every Bethelite I know, knows exactly how much they get each month from the WTS!
This came out last February, and the BS keeps flowing!
i can't believe johnny the bethelite has not been uncovered.
unless, of course, he doesn't exist!
hoping not to give koolaidman any more exposure here but.... .
The thing that tipped me off, was that JTB did not know what his "stipend" was. Every Bethelite I know, knows exactly how much they get each month from the WTS!
This came out last February, and the BS keeps flowing!
as far as i know, the excellent danish film "to verdener" .
("worlds apart") is still not available for purchase on.
dvd in the us.. (anyone know otherwise?).
as far as i know, the excellent danish film "to verdener" .
("worlds apart") is still not available for purchase on.
dvd in the us.. (anyone know otherwise?).
I bought a copy on Ebay, and you can probably get it on Amazon.
we all know the watchtower organization is now in a defensive mode.
unrelenting criticism and critical information is rapidly coming forward exposing this esoteric cult.. are their hundreds of bethelites now understanding how evil their "faithfull slave" really is?
has the revolution begun?.
Now they ate OTWO! How low can they go?!
i'm not entirely sure why, but rick has been the biggest trigger for me.
i have said some very mean things to him that i regret and i apologize to rick for them.
but what he is doing leaves me feeling dirty and i don't even know him.
Rick makes my ass twitch. Even though I find him thoroughly irritating, I don't think he should be banned. I do wish he would just go away on his own, but we will not see it happen.
i'm prompted to impart this piece of priceless information due to a few posts on the subject of dating and compatability lately.. do you want to be able to predict if the man you're keen on will treat you well ?.
this is my yardstick: does he love cats ?
find out early in the piece about his attitude toward cats.
I never punched a manatee, but I played with it's nipples. Where does that put me with the ladies?
happy new year everyone !
here's one from jimi i like alot !
look forward to yours as well !
i was browsing through the new public edition watchtower article for march 2012. generaly, id say i agree.
of course there are more than 5 ways of identifiying who christians are today, but the following are reasonable enough benchmarks:.
remain in my worldno part of the worldhave love among yourselvesi have made your name knownthis good news of the kingdom will be preachedhowever, what gets me is the constant demonstrating of the inadequacies of other religions, purely to bull up the jehovahs witnesses.
There is no true christianity, therefore it is markless.
merry christmas & a happy new year to all of us apostates & everyone else who may venture onto this site.
don't let this topic die, let's make it the longest topic on site, keep on posting.. .
A wonderful and properous New Year to everyone. May whatever force there is in the Universe bless each and every one of us in the coming new year.
so my 35 year old niece is going into rehab for the third time now.
this time it's a long stint, two and a half months.
she got gov't help since she is techinically homeless.
There is always hope until she takes the dirt nap. Give her all the support that you can muster. Unless you have been there, you do not have the capacity to understand.