I am not picky, but I would never date a girl that only had half a face. And I would probably return the other half, because I am a nice guy.
i have an ad on craigslist, someone responded to my ad.
she knows the neighborhood pretty good and we already traded some pics, but i have the feeling that she is a scam artist.
she only send me half of her face(nice mouth and teeth but not her nose, eyes, hair) and a very nice body.
I am not picky, but I would never date a girl that only had half a face. And I would probably return the other half, because I am a nice guy.
i never loved the beatles.
i especially didn't care all that much for john lennon.. bob dylan, i never got his appeal!.
any songs that just didn't do anything for you?.
And I love Neil Young.
i never loved the beatles.
i especially didn't care all that much for john lennon.. bob dylan, i never got his appeal!.
any songs that just didn't do anything for you?.
Journey, Michael Bolton, most middle of the road tripe. Oh, add Yawni, Kenny G, John Tesh, and middle of the road Jazz tripe.
there's something in your inbox.....and it's not from publisher's clearing house..
Can I put something in Talesin's inbox? Or are you exclusive?
Inquiring minds want to know.
so, my work wants me to sign one.
except, i'm now looking for another job because they significantly dropped my commission.
i believe they can fire me if i refuse to sign so i have to stall.
In most states, you can refuse to sign it; and if they let you go, you can get unemployment because the nature of your job significantly changed. It may not be an option for you, but it is one possibility.
What does Selma do after coming home from the meeting?
The dishes, if she knows what's good for her.
do you remember, in which "reader's question" was an article about cases, when a husband officially declared as a missing?.
(probably he is dead or captured by somali pirates...).
i remember, that article was very strange- there was stated that it would be possible to make a divorce.... but if such missed person will "ressurect", this couple must get married again!.
Another case of the GB pulling nuggets out of their ass.
i started a thread a few days ago that probably went unnoticed for the most part (under "scandals & cover-ups") regarding steve hitting selma in tomorrow's wt study... i just wanted to recap it here for those who may have missed it.... the spanish version changes the story completely.... if you've read that paragraph 12 it basically says that steve hit selma as she tried to prove a point.
selma then feels sorry for herself.. in the spanish version steve merely gets furious with her and she gets sad.. by the way, i just looked up the italian version... .
selma ricorda una lezione che imparo dalla sorella che le conduceva lo studio.
Well, that shit is okay in North America. My mom and sisters got beat, and that is okay because they are right with God now. Because I bitch about receiving the bulk of the abuse, I am a whiney little malcontent. I should just get with the program, and FEEL Jehovah's love. Amen, fucking come Lord Jesus.
there are some 18,000 american publishers who belong to congregations in american sign language.
the number tripled in just 6 years.. .
it is difficult to know how many people us asl to communicate, but the estimates are between 500,000- 2.5 million.
Looking forward to more comments on this, as I think the JWs look at this as a fertile market.
"When you are going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill