JoinedPosts by whathehadas
Post Good Music, Any Genre
by leavingwt in.
i hope everyone is having a great saturday night (or sunday morning).. .
Post Good Music, Any Genre
by leavingwt in.
i hope everyone is having a great saturday night (or sunday morning).. .
Tv on the Radio
Post Good Music, Any Genre
by leavingwt in.
i hope everyone is having a great saturday night (or sunday morning).. .
Now that Rick is gone......
by outsmartthesystem indo you think there is any chance we can get 20571pnt428571......8675309....r2d2....10-4 over and out to quit bombarding the message boards with ridiculous apocolpytic fortune telling?
@ Dogpatch. Whathehadas=What I had as the "Truth", What I had as a pain in the ass. My proclamation of a perception of a past possession. Insert what you want at the end of it. Nonsense.......Whathehadas Nonsense
While Rick's presentation and tactics are quite "carnival". Give him credit for having thick skin and being a good promoter. A lot of the stories he presents are not factual and are just rumors. That can't be denied. Not every story and info from him is bullshit though. Those like all other info has to be verified and researched first. The thing that I've noticed in general-not exclusive to this board-is that people are really harsh and critically on forums and blogs. Free speech comes to play and brings baggage. So much built up emotion is unleashed on the subject that has been presented. We are such carnal creatures. Take note.
Now that Rick is gone......
by outsmartthesystem indo you think there is any chance we can get 20571pnt428571......8675309....r2d2....10-4 over and out to quit bombarding the message boards with ridiculous apocolpytic fortune telling?
Nice post Randy. IMHO The example of 2 witnesses is a generalization. We don't know for certain why every witness leaves or starts to doubt the WT. That is unless, EVERY person comes on here and gives their experience. All this hooplah on here of Rick giving "apostates" a bad name and scaring potential ExJWs back in is Bullshit. Come on........there is various of things that could scare those persons on the fence. Just on this board, with the many topics discussed of the WT and the unrelated. You don't think the views on Sex, drugs, alcohol, entertainment, and new beliefs will not shock the fence sitter? Give me a break! Rick's Sixscreens is sooooo "influential" and yet is claimed to be so irrelevant on here. There is no GB for ExJWs and there is no unity. We all are different but we may have the same experiences. That's about it. If that fence sitter so happens to visit Six Screens or comes to JWN. They'll be scared and skeptical to start with because of the cult programming. Many on here will say that Six Screens will turn that person away before JWN. That's all depending on their psyche at the time. If they're going to leave, they will leave eventually. Hard to stay in the WT after having doubts. This World can be both Scary and Beautiful.
The Feeling of a Jehovah's Witness
by whathehadas inthis was how i felt being in the borg.
just replace the stick with a book bag.
This was how I felt being in the Borg. Just replace the stick with a book bag
Whathehadas's Recovery and Metamorphosis
by whathehadas ininspired by saba and c.s................................i'm back to making videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i8ajxynr2o.
yes my situation is tough right now, dealing with family thats still in and the pressure to not look depressed. im at the point where i can care less if im disfellowshiped or not, so thats why im not scared to show my face now. bp i am a quiet person but this seems to attract most witnesses that i know. they see me as a person that is easy to get along with since i dont create any friction in the congo. sorry for the type by the way, im typing on my phone and cant use quotations and caps.
Could you eat breakfast after watching this at Bethel?
by Dogpatch inthis is a partial video of the morning breakfast table in brooklyn bethel in the late 80s, with lyman swingle hosting... the governing body member who at first tried to shelter ray franz from disfellowshipping, but then within a year or two his spirit was broken and he was a bitter man.. randy (i was there and it was death-dealing, like the death eaters from harry potter!).
address of windows media file if you don't see anything:.
could you eat breakfast first then listen to this shiiiiiiiiiit? thats the real question
Did you fake underlining the WT?
by shepherd ini read on another topic " i remember when i used to carry microphones years ago in the jw cult- only about 30 % had their wt's pre-studied, the rest just wing it i truly believe" and it reminded me that people will assume you are not familiar with the material if you have not underlined, and that there will always be those who observe the lack of ink and consider you must be unprepared (and so 'weaker' than them).. many times i used to fake prestudy just for that reason.
its easy to do, underline a random sentence or 2 in each paragraph or the sited scripture.
you can wizz through an entire article in 3 minutes....did anyone else do that?.
those study articles were so boring. i hated every minute spent studying them. that was the motive for me to quickly go through them underlining answers that i was more than likely not going to comment on anyway at the meeting.
Whathehadas's Recovery and Metamorphosis
by whathehadas ininspired by saba and c.s................................i'm back to making videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i8ajxynr2o.
Inspired by Saba and C.S................................I'm back to making videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i8AJXynr2o