Did you fake underlining the WT?

by shepherd 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • shepherd

    I read on another topic " I remember when I used to carry microphones years ago in the JW cult- only about 30 % had their WT's pre-studied, the rest just wing it I truly believe" and it reminded me that people will assume you are not familiar with the material if you have not underlined, and that there will always be those who observe the lack of ink and consider you must be unprepared (and so 'weaker' than them).

    Many times I used to fake prestudy just for that reason. Its easy to do, underline a random sentence or 2 in each paragraph or the sited scripture. You can wizz through an entire article in 3 minutes....did anyone else do that?

  • NeonMadman

    Why fake it? You could underline the actual answers in not much more than 5 minutes.

  • Tralfamadorian

    No. I actually studied my watchtower, Kingdom Service and book study books. I wrote notations in the margins, etc. I did this both before I got disfellowshipped and then after when I was trying to get reinstated.

    I had very little world exposure and took it for granted that the elders were concerned that I study the material for my spiritual welfare and as evidence that I was making a true effort to repent. What a trememdous relief that people were so concerned for my welfare that they would go so far as to do my thinking for me! How heartwarming that I could trade common sense and personal accountability for Orwellian 'Truthspeak'

  • leavingwt

    Post-Bethel, when the conductor asked if anyone needed a WT, at the beginning of the meeting, I would proudly raise my hand. This would indicate to everyone that I didn't even have a magazine, much less study it.

    In the ten years before disassociating myself, I can count on two hands the number of magazines that I read. I'm not sure that I ever read one of their books, from cover-to-cover. I've never read a Yearbook.

    I did once give a substitute #2 talk in the second school, at the last minute. The TMS overseer wanted to know if this was an indication that I wanted to join the school. I said, 'No, but I will give another substitute Bible reading, if one comes along and I'm actually at the meeting.'. He didn't think it was very funny. At least I was being honest.

    I was a 'bad' ex-Bethelite, wasn't I?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, Shepherd!

    I did last Sunday on the hood of my car ten minutes before leaving for the Hall. A lot of good it did. No one there seemed to notice as I brandished about my personal copy for the benefit of glazed-over eyes that seemed neither curious nor interested in my theocratic posturing.

    Glad you asked. At least you care.

    CoCo Underscored

  • Intel

    All the time.....oldest trick in JW-World....especially at Bethel "Family" Study.....the more colors=the strongest faith

  • leavingwt
    especially at Bethel "Family" Study

    I learned early on that nobody would ever know if you skipped this meeting. There were no assigned seats. Also, one of my friends could get the bootleg audio feed in his 90 Sands room, so when I did attend, it was in a private room, in street clothes.

    Who wants to wear a tie on Monday night?

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Yup I did (was not proud of it at the time)- I knew it was an "indicator" of how spiritual you were & I frankly got bored after 5 paragraphs...so I just underlined the rest and wrote a few random scriptures in the margins-

    like leavingwt...I have never been able to get through a whole yearbook either.....I would get past a dozen pages or so then move on to a juicy James Patterson, Jeffrey Deaver, or John Grisham novel- that captivated my attention- I just always got mental ADD when it came to reading anything from the WTS


  • sabastious

    There was no need to fake underline normal underlining took roughly the same amount of time. The answers are almost always in the same wording as the question. I saw it as like a word matching game.


  • sabastious
    Who wants to wear a tie on Monday night?

    Who wants to wear a tie?


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