@ Jim_TX Yes it is a question of Money. Here in California, where the state is supposedly broke...they would have to take money from somewhere else. Since there all soo many schools nationwide, I wonder how much would it take to make these improvements? Possibly I think that there will be select schools with these major changes. As was pointed out, there are schools already with metal detectors and security. The locations of the schools comes into play, with the aid or lack of from the State.
JoinedPosts by whathehadas
Sandy Hook Massacre - Solutions
by tootired2care in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><![endif].
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Another solution for reducing USA firearm homicide rate
by besty inbeen thinking about this for a while now.
in the absence of strong political leadership to enact stricter gun regulation it is clear that the people must excercise their 2a rights and bear arms.. think about the facts.. 9000 firearm homicides a year in the usa.
only 600 of those were by us - the good guys - law enforcement + justifiable action by joe sixpack.
I don't know if you're trying to be sarcastic Besty but this Gun problem will continue here in America. What way possible would it be....for the Government to end all gun violence? You ban ALL guns and people will still sneak and buy them on the black market. The Government can try raiding ALL homes for guns but what man power that would take and the time to do so? I would hate having to be a authority and stepping on Billy Joe's property in search of his firearms. I'm pretty sure Billy Joe wouldn't be too happy and wouldn't surrender those arms without a fight. I'm just saying the solutions to this problem aren't as clear cut as we think. Bottom line....I think people should start packing their bags and move to GB with you Besty
JW.org reports on the Sandy Hook shooting...
by cedars infrom the official jw website.... .
school shooting in connecticutdecember 17, 2012 | united states.
on friday, december 14, 2012, a shooting took place at an elementary school in newtown, connecticut.
It could be that some individual JWs will offer some assistance. The big problem is that there will never be an organization-sponsored assistance for these individuals beyond attempting to recruit them. Because that's the thing they put above all else, recruitment, and disturbing events open the doors to recruitment opportunities.
Right on! -
JW.org reports on the Sandy Hook shooting...
by cedars infrom the official jw website.... .
school shooting in connecticutdecember 17, 2012 | united states.
on friday, december 14, 2012, a shooting took place at an elementary school in newtown, connecticut.
I had to laugh at some of the posts like Outlaws LOL. As Witnesses, we probably all thought about our FELLOW JWs during tragedies. Not that it was normal but it was in our mind. Looking back....it was self centered and encouraged by the Organization. Just to think that when this tragedy occured......some Witnesses were getting up their crackerjack presentations for field circus and using the death of these kids as a "conversation starter". YOU KNOW the JWs are eating up this news amongst themselves as "Proof of the Last Days". It's evidence to those sitting right now, who are on the fence, to not leave the "Spiritual Paradise". This will be a BIG talk at the upcoming DA's and SA's. Such a disgusting Religion and a Mind Control Cult.
Sandy Hook Massacre - Solutions
by tootired2care in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><![endif].
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I don't own a gun and have NEVER shot one. Being a Witness most of my life and hearing that ALL weapons are bad and not condone by Jehovah. I always thought about the protection against the evil and criminal people out there. We know there are many insane and horrible people out there. Especially, Especially....in America. I do think guns serve a protection for people and their property. The QUESTION is......How powerful a gun you need? and how much ammo is needed to protect yourself? If just a handgun or a Shotgun, like a Berrata and Remington was the only legal weapons. Then there wouldn't be any mass shootings with guns. People do need protection from criminals and the Superior Authorities don't always come to the rescue and execute proper justice. For people against guns.....Imagine a group of thugs or even a Large and POWERFUL man in your home in the night. Quite possibly there to rob you or rape you. YOUR'E 5'6-5'10 and 180lbs. I think that baseball bat or butter knife next to your bed won't do much in your defense. Unless......Your'e a well trained martial artist, who is conditioned to take on these forces, until the cops come. THAT would be a unimaginable danger. Those who speak about the U.S being so violent and having no strict laws. Comparing the fatality rates to their countries and others. C'mon.....Like YOUR country don't have MAJOR issues. I find it bizarre that these countries are portrayed like they're so great. When you have many people from those places flocking to the U.S yearly. I understand your sentiment but please stop jumping to conclusions. Anyways.....this incident proves to me. That there isn't ANY safe place in this country. You live in the inner city and you have to deal with the thugs and drugs. The random shootings, pety crimes, police violence and their misuse of authority. As a black man.....I'm screwed to start. I move to a small middle class neighborhood and deal with racism and prejudice. Now have to deal with the possibility of mass shootings. It's bad indeed. Do we need better Mental Healthcare and facilities? Yes...but what would that take and include? The money and constant awareness would take a lot. I don't know
Mental health crisis in America-
by moshe ini found this mother's letter to be an eye opener--.
written by liza long, republished from the blue review.
friday's horrific national tragedy -- the murder of 20 children and six adults at sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut -- has ignited a new discussion on violence in america.
Interesting perspectives on this problem. It is a huge problem in the country and really in the whole world. Yeah, here in America we are paranoid and overly concerned with properties and possesions. You feel crazy now just thinking about all the mentally ill people out there. In the regards of mentally ill.....what really characterizes a person as it? In this last tragedy, this guy killed children and adults. You have criminals who have done the same, though it may not have been in the same degree of execution. Those criminals rarely ever...are associated with being mentally ill. We just try to label the ones who do the mass killings, and It's shocking to me in where those mass killings have happened. In the "thought to be" safe areas in America. The small middle class towns. Not in the Big cities and in the areas of the gang and drug infested neighborhoods. Though these areas all have many killings and crimes against the innocent. I think people who put others at harm along with themselves are ill. You could say a drunk driver is ill....by putting himself at risk in causing a accident, which could ultimately kill. We are aware of the big crimes and lose sight of the smaller ones sometimes. Just thinking about how people's children should be protected from predators outside of school? When you've had soooo many predators and mentally ill INSIDE of these institutes! All in all.....Our system is screwed. It takes MONEY in the system to pay for Mental healthcare. We've already had a problem in the country with healthcare before these last incidents and we will continue to have them. I don't know how the Government will come up with the money without increasing taxes and cutting more budgets. With the lack of employment already and employers trying to cut back......it doesn't look good. Seems like some people in the high ups will need to cut their checks.
LOL @ Arboles. I watch the 1st 2 seasons of TWD on Netflix and I've watched 666 P Ave on Hulu plus. All for $28.00 a month. Not canceling that for the dubs approval LOL
I love the show but I don't know where it's heading. Those zombies in that show would give Resident Evil a run for its money. Zombies pop up like Ninjas and got the strength of ten men, like ripping Dale's stomach open. Good show for sci-fi paranormal lovers. I'm into that new show 666 park avenue. It's more intriguing. It has a little inspiration from the Devil's Advocate and the Omen. Check it out....if you haven't, it's on ABC.
Anybody From South Los Angeles Area ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen inif so do you remenber any big time elders from 1990-2010 or present because i'm from the l.a area .
or my l.a members could do a los angeles congregation roll-call..
I went to the Vernon and Normandie congregation. 10 years ago. I know some people
Anybody seen 'The Possession"?
by whathehadas ini seen it this past friday.
it was pretty creepy and had some twists.
i wasn't scared to see a movie like this unlike in times past.
I seen it this past friday. It was pretty creepy and had some twists. I wasn't scared to see a movie like this unlike in times past. The movie had a underlining moral to it that resonates with the Jdubbs, "Be careful of what you buy at yard sales. They can bring demons in your house!". In the movie there is a box with hebrew inscriptions on it. One of the daughters of the begs to get it to her father and the story runs off from there. I don't want to tell too much but for those who've seen possession type movies before.....can figure out alot of what happens in the movie.