Been thinking about this for a while now. In the absence of strong political leadership to enact stricter gun regulation it is clear that the people must excercise their 2A rights and bear arms.
Think about the facts.
9000 firearm homicides a year in the USA
Only 600 of those were by us - the good guys - law enforcement + justifiable action by Joe Sixpack
Now that means the bad guys are winning 15:1 - ouch - time to redress the balance...but how?
Clearly having 1 gun per person in the USA just ain't doing it anymore - maybe back in the day but not in the 21stC - so my proposal, and its a simple one.
Increase gun ownership by the same factor of 15 - that way when the time comes - there is a much better chance of a concerned citizen being tooled up and ready to take out a bad guy.
Plus the fact - think about how unafraid you will feel with all those guns in circulation - evrybody will have like 12 each or something.
Bad guys - be worried - its live free or die time.