This might be my last post. I don't really know though. I've had quite a few things on my mind over the past few years, mainly my belief in God. I've tried to move on from the JW past but that's really being foolish. 26yrs of my life from birth inside a cult. That can't be erased unfortunately. Many on here have been in that thing longer than me and have a hard time moving on. I've tried to be a normal guy and make friends with normal people. Part of that is true but I'm not normal. I've realized that and I'm facing that reality. I'm trying to heal. Maybe I need some therapy but I don't have the time or energy to deal with that. I barely feel like writing this shit. Funny, I look at my friends and co-workers and I envy their "normal" lives. Even though they have problems of their own. It's hard for them to relate to feeling like a Ex-Jw, because I've told them about the life and they're shocked by the ridiculous beliefs. This is the shit that gets to me with making new friends that are not Ex-Jw. I would really like to be normal and blend in the crowd, so to speak, but I can't do it with the black cloud of my past over my head. I burn with anger......sometimes over that damn religion. I don't think about my experience in it all the time but thinking of how other people have had their lives damaged by that religion. I try to socialize with some of the friends I've made but this JW shit keeps coming up. It's the past that can't stay away! I CAN'T be normal....when I've haven't had any normal experiences for most of my life. I don't know folks. This recovery is harder than I thought.