@ Dogpatch. Whathehadas=What I had as the "Truth", What I had as a pain in the ass. My proclamation of a perception of a past possession. Insert what you want at the end of it. Nonsense.......Whathehadas Nonsense
While Rick's presentation and tactics are quite "carnival". Give him credit for having thick skin and being a good promoter. A lot of the stories he presents are not factual and are just rumors. That can't be denied. Not every story and info from him is bullshit though. Those like all other info has to be verified and researched first. The thing that I've noticed in general-not exclusive to this board-is that people are really harsh and critically on forums and blogs. Free speech comes to play and brings baggage. So much built up emotion is unleashed on the subject that has been presented. We are such carnal creatures. Take note.