LMAO at Alex. He may sound crazy but I think Piers deserved this for his gun rants
JoinedPosts by whathehadas
Gun Control, Alex Jones and Piers Morgan
by Amelia Ashton inpiers morgan decided to advocate gun control after sandy hook.
that caused this radio host, alex jones, who has millions of listeners to create a petition to have piers deported.
piers invited alex on his show to have a civil debate about guns.
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
Well you going to deserve a Oscar for the acting you'll have to do to stay in. Can't say you won't fit in with most other Witnesses who do the same.
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
AuntConnie you are stuck in that world untill........You open that door and look behind the Curtain. If you continue to stay and not open that door, you'll die a slow and unhappy death of frustration. You can keep ranting on about the problems you see but realize that solutions are there for you to take.
Who or what is to blame for the Newtown CT shooting?
by BreathoftheIndianNose inif events like the recent school shooting in newtown are to be avoided from here on out, we must understand who or what is to blame.
there is a reason that it happend, maybe it was simple or maybe it was very complex, but this didn't just simply happen.
a series of events transpired that inspired or even just allowed adam lanza to commit this terrible atrocity.
This guy makes some sense about guns. He does make prepping videos for a financial collapse, or what he calls it SHTF situation (Sh$T Hits The Fan).
Which of the 5 weekly meetings did you hate the most?
by RULES & REGULATIONS init was always stressed that the five weekly meetings were like the fingers on your hand.
each one was just as important as the next.
which of the meetings were the most boring,bothersome and difficult to listen to?
Those "meetings" were the worse. ALL of them! Where in the Bible did the Borg get the idea of 5 meetings? Where? Such a big batch of BS! The one I hated the most was that Mid week double meeting of the TMS and SM. I HATED THOSE WITH A PASSION! ALL those cold or hot nights that you had to be at those meetings. I hated them as a kid and detested them as a adult. I pushed my feelings aside at the time to "please Jehovah". It was worse for me when I worked on the Graveyard and had to leave as soon as the meeting was over to try to catch a quick shut-eye before work
Do Witnesses Ever Talk About Their Living Forever And Never Dying?
by minimus inmy 86 year old mother stopped believing she was going into paradise earth without dying first, about 10 years ago.
my aunt used to think she was going to make it through the great tribulation.
even a week before she died, she clung on to this fairy tale.. do you think jws believe they will never die at all and will, in their lifetime, be on a paradise earth to live forever?.
Oh what agonizing memories! I'm 29 and I remember graduating from High School in '01 and all the talk then of this being SOO close of the end! Then I remember talking to some dubs(who were a little older than me) over some lunch in '06. They brought up how "we're so close to the end" and "we probably don't have 5 years left". NOW we're approaching 2013. Wonder what those folks think now as they approach their mid 30's? Crazy how people believe so hard against REAL Thinking!
Sandy Hook Massacre - Solutions
by tootired2care in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><![endif].
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@ Jim_TX Yes it is a question of Money. Here in California, where the state is supposedly broke...they would have to take money from somewhere else. Since there all soo many schools nationwide, I wonder how much would it take to make these improvements? Possibly I think that there will be select schools with these major changes. As was pointed out, there are schools already with metal detectors and security. The locations of the schools comes into play, with the aid or lack of from the State.
Another solution for reducing USA firearm homicide rate
by besty inbeen thinking about this for a while now.
in the absence of strong political leadership to enact stricter gun regulation it is clear that the people must excercise their 2a rights and bear arms.. think about the facts.. 9000 firearm homicides a year in the usa.
only 600 of those were by us - the good guys - law enforcement + justifiable action by joe sixpack.
I don't know if you're trying to be sarcastic Besty but this Gun problem will continue here in America. What way possible would it be....for the Government to end all gun violence? You ban ALL guns and people will still sneak and buy them on the black market. The Government can try raiding ALL homes for guns but what man power that would take and the time to do so? I would hate having to be a authority and stepping on Billy Joe's property in search of his firearms. I'm pretty sure Billy Joe wouldn't be too happy and wouldn't surrender those arms without a fight. I'm just saying the solutions to this problem aren't as clear cut as we think. Bottom line....I think people should start packing their bags and move to GB with you Besty
JW.org reports on the Sandy Hook shooting...
by cedars infrom the official jw website.... .
school shooting in connecticutdecember 17, 2012 | united states.
on friday, december 14, 2012, a shooting took place at an elementary school in newtown, connecticut.
It could be that some individual JWs will offer some assistance. The big problem is that there will never be an organization-sponsored assistance for these individuals beyond attempting to recruit them. Because that's the thing they put above all else, recruitment, and disturbing events open the doors to recruitment opportunities.
Right on! -
JW.org reports on the Sandy Hook shooting...
by cedars infrom the official jw website.... .
school shooting in connecticutdecember 17, 2012 | united states.
on friday, december 14, 2012, a shooting took place at an elementary school in newtown, connecticut.
I had to laugh at some of the posts like Outlaws LOL. As Witnesses, we probably all thought about our FELLOW JWs during tragedies. Not that it was normal but it was in our mind. Looking back....it was self centered and encouraged by the Organization. Just to think that when this tragedy occured......some Witnesses were getting up their crackerjack presentations for field circus and using the death of these kids as a "conversation starter". YOU KNOW the JWs are eating up this news amongst themselves as "Proof of the Last Days". It's evidence to those sitting right now, who are on the fence, to not leave the "Spiritual Paradise". This will be a BIG talk at the upcoming DA's and SA's. Such a disgusting Religion and a Mind Control Cult.