4 years ago
Sunday: meeting at 9:30, over at 12:30. grab quick lunch, in service by 1:00. home by 3 or 4. spend the evening watching t.v. with family.
Monday: Work from 8-5. Rush home. Go to gym. Be home by 7:00 for family study. Watch an hour of t.v. before bed.
Tuesday: Work 8-5. Rush home. Service meeting from 7:30- 9:15. Home by 10.
Wednesday: Work 8-5. Rush to my bible study. Home by 8 to prepare for book study.
Thursday: Work 8-5. Rush home. Book study from 7:30- 8:30. Go to gym afterwards
Friday: Work till 5. Go to a JW's house or movies. Had to make sure there were chaperones if there was going to be brothers with us. Home before 11pm to prepare for service.
Saturday: up at 7 to read daily text. Service from 9:30-1. Then usually a JW baby shower, wedding shower, or picnic.
(this was my schedule after I quit pioneering) Last week's schedule.......
Sunday: Woke up around 11:00. Went shopping for house stuff. Drove to Newport Beach for some yummy sushi.
Monday: Work till 5. Went to the gym. Went to band practice. Went to get some beers afterwards.
Tuesday: Work till 5. picked up nephew. went to have sushi for dinner. visited a friend. rented "Ants." stayed up watching movie.
Wednesday: Work till 5. Went to gym. Went to Hollywood to see my friend's band play. Stayed out late.
Thursday: Work till 5. Went to the farmer's market. Met with friends for dinner. Went to band practice. Went to have drinks.
Friday: Took a long lunch. Picked up nephew from school. Went to lunch. Went to the board shop to buy his skateboard. Work till 5. Played a show. Went to an after party.
Saturday: Woke up at 10. Went shopping with my best friend for her baby shower. Picked up nephew, went to the park. Went to the library and picked up books about monster trucks. Had lunch at Rubio's Baja Grill. When to my friend's show. Stayed out late. Drank too much
geez..... when did i ever have time to go to meetings?