I cant take the credit for this, I'm just the messenger.
I originally found the info here...
Posted by: Peter Nov 25 2007, 05:13 PM...
I phoned London Bethel Regarding the first OSCE conference and i was initially lied to.
I recorded the conversation, and told the 'brother' I spoke to that I had recorded our conversation, But not before I had been lied to.
I still have the recording.
I also tried To contact the journalist who wrote the original story covering the U.N. affiliation, his secretary gave me his mobile number and I phoned him.
He was on holiday and said he would get back in touch with me but he never did, so i left the matter alone.
I was told that it was not unusual for them to become an NGO for the day in order to sit in on these meetings.
He also denied knowledge of Mr Marc Hansen, to which i responded that he might want to check the matter out, because if Mr Hansen wasn't a bethel member then someone must be parading as one under false pretences.
I believe it was then that he asked me 'What's wrong with being an NGO?'
I also recieved a letter regarding our conversation.
When i saw this post my heart started pounding...
I thought this was also common knowledge... Obviously not.
So I broke silence.
Edit... I often think 2Thess 2: is talking about people like them.