this is also very much like aspergers
or so it sounds.
its apparently rare for females to be diagnosed with aspergers because women deal with it differently
and its a difficult thing to diagnose in itself.
there are certain criteria you have to meet to be an aspie,
but its a much wider spread thing than is recognised as it so often goes unnoticed.
it also comes with heightened senses in this and that, but not always.
like a more settled kind of savant.
but still with unnoticed but massive disabilities socially.
such as alsmost self damaging honesty
irrespective of others feelings.
its a massive spectrum, but well worth looking into as it is often hereditary.
and intelligent parents apparently often spawn children with the spectrum disorder that is aspergers.
i personally believe it is not a disability as such..
it is only a disability in perspective of the social arrangements that we live in.
and then because of social perception and social 'courtesy' if you will.
it becomes a massive disability. as it is mostly unrecognised
and misunderstood.
yep... im an aspie..
not every aspie is the same as one an other.
in places i exceed i also fall miserably in other places to seemingly counteract the balance of 'one'
it doesnt always work out that an aspie or an autistic individual is exceptional.
and i am testament to that. but i also suspect that it is a 'gift'
of sorts misunderstood by our community as a whole.
so if you find your child is an 'introvert'
check for aspergers or anything on the autism spectrum.