you think therefore you are, i have no proof of that if i want to follow the same construct as some.
you may just be a creation of my brain reacting to this and that.
where will we draw the line?
where should i draw the line?
so to try and create boundaries throughout my reality, as much as it serves purpose for the most part
does nothing but alienates me from reality as a whole.
my boundaries limit my understanding, because in my wall making i create blocks, locking myself away from experiences design the
and boundaries, my thoughts are a construct formulated from my experiences.
but in order to understand anything i am unfamiliar with i have to
think outside of the box that my experiencesand understanding limit me to. and yet i continue to be limited.
closed mindedness is i believe
something that imprisons us all and we dont even recognise it when we arefully encompassed by it. at the same time we wish to think of ourselves
as open minded individuals ever seeking knowledge.but as soon as we grasp an understanding, we lose the quality that makes children so good at
learning language.
childeren learn so quickly because they have not constrained themselves in a bind.we inherently grow in understanding that is
presented to us some of which is accurate, and some of which is another stepping stone on the way to understanding. yet we believe all of which
we incorperate into our software as real at some point.and this halts our further growth for a time until we see otherwise.and due to popular belief
whether it be this or that, we do this on a massive scale and halt growth that we no longer search for any answers because we
believe we've found them.then we stop, and go stale for a time.sorry, im ranting.carry on.