someone ought to design a video game where you have to re inact scenes from the old testament.
that would be banned before it was even released.
if your kids drew this picture at school - what would her teachers/principal say?.
another good quote from the article "we made props - swords ... ".
just remember though - god hates violence - no violent video games for jws.. .
someone ought to design a video game where you have to re inact scenes from the old testament.
that would be banned before it was even released.
ok heres a theoretical for you.. first of all i appreciate that not everyone here believes in an all powerful being ie.
a creator... but... not entertaining moral aspects of such and disagreements that will arise concerning it,.
what might be a theoretical picture of what might be able to be omnipresent and so on and so forth if the idea of an all powerful creator was so?.
i appreciate what you're saying SAM WHISKEY and it may be true, but thats a blanket statement.
im aquainted with the bible and im not wishing to discredit your feelings, but thats not what im asking.
im asking how you might fit some things with our theoretical understanding of science and stuff. :P
i've just posted the following in another thread whose subject is supernatural experience, but it may deserve its own thread so i'll repost it here.
i don't believe in the supernatural but i do believe that people experience unexplained things.
where i differ from some people is that i perceive the unexplained things exist only in their brains and not in the physical world around them.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
maybe the 'spiritual' and 'psychological' are something that go hand in hand for some part.
even to go as far as to say the psychological although fuelled by the physical for the most part, becomes more than the sum of its parts.
music is a wonderful example of the physical and psychological crossing the border into a kind of 'spirituality'
i suppose it all depends on how you want to define the terms.
lets say i performed a piece of music beautifully (HA) and no one recorded it
it was percieved by most as beautiful and when it was over there was nothing there.
the sound waves died in the white noise of the expanse and nothing but the memory of something percieved was left.
none of the listeners have any proof of the shared experience. but it happened. theoretically speaking as i probably wouldnt
perform a piece of music beautifully :)
maybe someone didnt hear that performance and so for them there is no credible, tangible proof of it ever happening apart from
the 'spiritual' experience of the listeners.
ok heres a theoretical for you.. first of all i appreciate that not everyone here believes in an all powerful being ie.
a creator... but... not entertaining moral aspects of such and disagreements that will arise concerning it,.
what might be a theoretical picture of what might be able to be omnipresent and so on and so forth if the idea of an all powerful creator was so?.
so LOVELYLIL for it to be the case, God would have to be on another 'plane' / dimension.
apparently there are supposedly 12 of them last i read. something about superstrings i believe. i have no idea how someone would theorise that number, but im not knocking it.
but really theorists, genuine mainstream theorists are theorising that other dimensions exist which would open up inumerable possibilities of this that and the other.
also just another curiosity... wasnt there something on the edge of our solar system recently that would mean the re writing of the laws of physics as we know it?
hang on... *insert google search here*
there ya go, i think thats it.
so just in this 'dimension' there are some crazy possibilities outside of our 'mainstream' thoughts on how things work.
so i thought it might be amusing to entertain how what we deem 'supernatural' might be possible.
without going cuckoo about it.
ok heres a theoretical for you.. first of all i appreciate that not everyone here believes in an all powerful being ie.
a creator... but... not entertaining moral aspects of such and disagreements that will arise concerning it,.
what might be a theoretical picture of what might be able to be omnipresent and so on and so forth if the idea of an all powerful creator was so?.
haha i really lolled at that thought WITNESS MY FURY
yeh WOBBLE i get ya, i was just trying to offset any hardcore no no no'ers from hijacking.
and yes BLACK SHEEP the 'ping' is apparently 440 light years.
and whats more JEAN LUC you should know about this stuff, you got years on captain kurk and you were a more level headed captain..
but kurk was the man.
i've just posted the following in another thread whose subject is supernatural experience, but it may deserve its own thread so i'll repost it here.
i don't believe in the supernatural but i do believe that people experience unexplained things.
where i differ from some people is that i perceive the unexplained things exist only in their brains and not in the physical world around them.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
you bet your ass vampire thats an ultimate given.
i've just posted the following in another thread whose subject is supernatural experience, but it may deserve its own thread so i'll repost it here.
i don't believe in the supernatural but i do believe that people experience unexplained things.
where i differ from some people is that i perceive the unexplained things exist only in their brains and not in the physical world around them.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
you think therefore you are, i have no proof of that if i want to follow the same construct as some.
you may just be a creation of my brain reacting to this and that.
where will we draw the line?
where should i draw the line?
so to try and create boundaries throughout my reality, as much as it serves purpose for the most part
does nothing but alienates me from reality as a whole.
my boundaries limit my understanding, because in my wall making i create blocks, locking myself away from experiences design the
and boundaries, my thoughts are a construct formulated from my experiences.
but in order to understand anything i am unfamiliar with i have to
think outside of the box that my experiencesand understanding limit me to. and yet i continue to be limited.
closed mindedness is i believe
something that imprisons us all and we dont even recognise it when we arefully encompassed by it. at the same time we wish to think of ourselves
as open minded individuals ever seeking knowledge.but as soon as we grasp an understanding, we lose the quality that makes children so good at
learning language.
childeren learn so quickly because they have not constrained themselves in a bind.we inherently grow in understanding that is
presented to us some of which is accurate, and some of which is another stepping stone on the way to understanding. yet we believe all of which
we incorperate into our software as real at some point.and this halts our further growth for a time until we see otherwise.and due to popular belief
whether it be this or that, we do this on a massive scale and halt growth that we no longer search for any answers because we
believe we've found them.then we stop, and go stale for a time.sorry, im ranting.carry on.
i've just posted the following in another thread whose subject is supernatural experience, but it may deserve its own thread so i'll repost it here.
i don't believe in the supernatural but i do believe that people experience unexplained things.
where i differ from some people is that i perceive the unexplained things exist only in their brains and not in the physical world around them.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
damn, i edited and wrote a bit more but it wont let me post it.
but i disagree nickolas,
the 'supernatural' i am talking about are things that really happened and were witnessed by others, otherwise i wouldnt have used those as examples.
we had more than 'two witnesses' so it would be good for a child abuse case.
but maybe not enough proof for others.
physical evidence to boot.
but alas, physical evidence and several witnessess is not good enough.
now of course i cannot prove to you that anyone was abused (on another note) other than the physical evidence and more than two witnesess
but this brings me back to an earlier post..
one is the same as the other in effect.
i've just posted the following in another thread whose subject is supernatural experience, but it may deserve its own thread so i'll repost it here.
i don't believe in the supernatural but i do believe that people experience unexplained things.
where i differ from some people is that i perceive the unexplained things exist only in their brains and not in the physical world around them.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
ok, please could you explain the reality that exists in our brains where for instance that percieved reality invisibly holds a person by the throat and lifts them off of the floor up to the ceiling.
with people looking through the skylight of the door and not being able to get in because the door which isnt locked will not open.
or when perhaps elsewhere something hits a wall with such force that well built grown men jump out of the chair on the opposite side of the wall.
oh i could go on,
there is more to all of this than meets the eye.
that was probably inappropriate overall to the subject matter, but some really crazy shit really does happen.
and to put so many things down to our perception i feel is an inaccurate depiction of wider reality that is not often experienced but real none the less
and without a viable explanation from so called science.
such experiences are faced with discredit and disdain from the scientific community.
and it is closed mindedness on their part.
without first acknowledgement how can there ever be closure.
and just to also acknowledge those that disagree, you have obviously not experienced such.
yes reality i believe on a personal level exists in the brain, but to confine it to such would be, in some degree, to discredit
reality as a whole that exists without witness.
if a tree fell in the forest etc..
not only that, but to confine oneself to reality being a construct of the brain would be to deny the universe beyond that we
have yet to discover.
i believe the brain is a link, a hardware that contains software that links us to a multifaceted reality.
that we have yet to discover.
ok heres a theoretical for you.. first of all i appreciate that not everyone here believes in an all powerful being ie.
a creator... but... not entertaining moral aspects of such and disagreements that will arise concerning it,.
what might be a theoretical picture of what might be able to be omnipresent and so on and so forth if the idea of an all powerful creator was so?.
sorry, could a mod please title this erm... theoretical God theory
and please could this be moved to the friends forum..
if not i'll just copy and paste.
sorry and thankyou.