id like to know if misery loves elders was ever on JW match?
i'd also like to know where poopsiecakes has gone? ( looks everywhere)
i'd like to ask undercover why he has so many responses that are similar to what i think?.
finally free, are you really as cranky as you seem?.
id like to know if misery loves elders was ever on JW match?
i'd also like to know where poopsiecakes has gone? ( looks everywhere)
sometimes i am proud that i was able to break the bonds that held me in the watchtower bubble for so long.
lately though, i've been wondering if i have merely traded the borders the watchtower circled around me with some other nonsensical set of rules.. my home, redding ca, is a center piece of a four way intersection of highways and freeways.
many of them go through the mountains and forests and can be extremely dangerous.
Honey, if you want a bit of perspective, come and see how the cypriots drive!
1) the right hand is used for holding the phone the left for holding coffee,feeling up the girlfreind or having a fag.
2) the motorcycle helmet is carried but never ever wore, just carried in one hand while steering the bike with the other.
3) drink driving is the norm
4) doing an emergency break in the middle of the main road to chat to your freinds on the pavement is expected.
5) if you want your car to pass its MOT all you have to do is slip the guy say 50-100 euros
6) parking lines are there to look pretty but be ignored, ditto double yellow lines and one way signs.
7) if a cop gives you a ticket you yell and srceam at him for at least an hour, and if that dosn't work you slip him a 20-50 euro note.
8) keeping to the speed limit is socaily unacceptable... i mean completly unacceptable! How dare you be going at 50mph in a 50 mph zone!!!!!
currently mine are: peking duck pancakes, a sexy danish guy ( love those danes) and sleep.
yes thats right, have spent 4 nights without sleep,... the old withdrawal symtoms still banging on don't ya know!.
am currently at the point where smashing plates seems like a very refreshing and appropriate activity.
Currently mine are: Peking duck pancakes, a sexy danish guy ( love those danes) and sleep. Yes thats right, have spent 4 nights without sleep,... the old withdrawal symtoms still banging on don't ya know!
Am currently at the point where smashing plates seems like a very refreshing and appropriate activity. but thats by the way, back to the oriangial Q
What are your late night cravings?
jehovah's witnesses love to claim that they are a true religion because they are the most loving people on earth.
they rant and rave about how they apply john 13:35 to themselves.. in a recent conversation with djeggnog, i was shocked at some of the hateful things that he was saying to me.
now i know that i have been in some pretty heated debates with others, but i try to never make it personal.
are they loving? ... they are as loving as the nazIs! as freindly as the north koreans! and as keen on basic human rights as the chinese!
i used to live in a part of england that was popular with tourists.
the kind of tourist who wanted to experiance the "real" rural england.
they would come to my town and thrill at the quaint old shops, delight in afternoon tea at the many little tea rooms.
thank you everyone for your replys. Tia. dalma, please re read my post, i do not say anywhere that the bad experiances were being rejected at the doors. You have assumed that for your self, in typical JW fashion i have to say. i guess the old CD is kicking in... "ignore someones genuine experiance at the hands of the JW's and adtribe it to anything but"
To be clear, it was not my treatment by the worldly householders that was bad, it was entirly, completly and 101% the inhumane treatment i recived from my fellow JW's. And before you jump on that and assume that they must have been " bad assoisation" , no sorry to disapoint but the worst offenders were the elders and elderettes, people looked up to as the pillars of the cong.
i used to live in a part of england that was popular with tourists.
the kind of tourist who wanted to experiance the "real" rural england.
they would come to my town and thrill at the quaint old shops, delight in afternoon tea at the many little tea rooms.
I used to live in a part of England that was popular with tourists. The kind of tourist who wanted to experiance the "real" rural England. They would come to my town and thrill at the quaint old shops, delight in afternoon tea at the many little tea rooms. They would be in rapture at the green lush medows and hedgerows, fall in love with the grey stone castles wrapped in their veil of early morning mist. And they would say "Your sooo lucky to live in a place like this!"
I would of course nod and smile polietly all the while thinking something very different. You see England, the land i was born in, is poisoned for me. It has been poisoned by a lifetime of being a JW. I knew my part of the world very well, better than most other locals. After all i did the FS, i had walked every back street and every lonely country road bible in hand.
When others see the beauty of the place i see ghosts. I see the ghosts of memories past, i hear the demons of bad experiances cackling at me. And they are everywhere, snagged on every hedgerow, lurking around every corner. The isolation, the pain and the trauma. All of the whole JW package and all its foul memories, leering, sneering and jeering at the lonely pale person i used to be. Someone all alone in a "loving spirtual family" slowly using up all my own interanl resources to keep going. Finaly all i had was just the sheer determination not to let them break my spirt, but in the end they beat that out of me too.
I used to love traveling to say Scotland etc. Such sweet relief, although i could never pin point why it was so. I guess i was too brain washed. I didn't relax on the M25 ( the main motarway around London) Neither could i relax going then north on the M1. I had to wait until getting past Peterbough before my taunt shoulders could slump with relief.
Eventually i fled it for good. Three years ago, i took a trip to Heathrow, got on a plane, held out for just a while longer while the pilot made his annocements and taxied to the runway. I ordered champange to be put on ice from the stewardess. I sat in the window seat and watched the chocolate box feilds and cottages of England pass underneath me. Finaly we flew over the coast at Southampton, i watched as England slipped away into a mass of grey cloud behind me. I leaned back in my chair, relaxed those ever tense stomach muscles, my shoulders slumped, i picked up my champage and had a sip... it tasted so good.
6 Hours later i touched down here. A land of such brilliant sunshine that there is no need to be afarid of the dark anymore. The unrelenting sun chases away all shadows, the streets i walk here are clean. Clean of ghosts and memories, ever welcoming and happy.
I can never go back, never. Because i can never forget, ever. In three years i have yet to have one pang of home sickness, not even one. No i'm not on holiday in this land, i work here. I live here... I live here, have a life here, a live to be led and enjoyed here.
My passport says "British" and has never reuturned from the one way trip i took it on 3 years ago. My photo albums came with me, but these are stored away safely. So safely so i cannot see them and they cannot hurt me with their memories,i even quite hope that time might ruin the prints.
This is one expat that will never return.
and got none this year either:( got to work on that i think.... .
has anyone else had more luck?.
and got none this year either:( got to work on that i think...
Has anyone else had more luck?
i am once again trying really hard to come off the pills ( anti depressants) i've been off them for 3 days, am having the most awful withdrawal symtoms.
inculding terrible vertigo!
i just looked up the offical symtoms of coming off my brand of meds... this is the list.
hi everyone, thankyou for your support, heres an update on me: i've been off the meds for 6 days now. The vertigo is still there but not nearly as bad as it was before. The "brain zaps" ( awful things) have almost and the tinnitus is easing.
Emotionaly i am still fine though.I did some more reaserch into the specific meds i had been on and it would seem they are infamous for giving terrible withdrawal symtoms.
6 days gone... hopefully i will be even better in another 6 and then never again will i be "highdose" anymore
i know they love to crow about the dwindling christindom churches but hey what about the muslim or buddist religons?
now these are growing alot and far more than the jw's.... how does that fulfill their profecies hey?.
i think one of the main things i was meaning on this thread was that, Christindom shrinking was one of the supposed "signs" of the end... anyone catch my drift now???
i ask this question in harmony with deedub's swan song thread which i linked below..
to some degree, i think i understand where she's coming from.
just speaking from my own experiences since stepping into the world of anonymous apostacy, i went through a few different phases of personal outlooks.
MLE i think what you maybe assuming here is that that JW's are this nice bunch of people who just happened to have got a few things wrong.
But this is not the case, all those nice people at your hall... if you ever expressed your own identity, thoughts etc, they would drop you like a hot potato. And underneath all that "niceness" there is a dark undercurrent filled with lies, pedofilles and misery. Its all a sham every bit of it.
I have no doubt that if i went back to the KH now i would be well and truly love bombed. Right up until they felt they had me safely "back in" then they just wouldn't care anymore. I would also start to find out all the bad things and people within the congo and i'd have to learn to ignore them.
Thats before you even got me started on the massive gaping holes in their doctrine! Theres no way i could sit there in a meeting and not end up speaking out. I'm sorry to say they would proberly end by throwing me out of the hall physicaly.
...feel the love babe... feel it