High five Moshe! When I run into JWs I hope I'm able to articulate the points I want to make as well as you did.
JoinedPosts by bluecanary
Moshe unloads on JW's
by moshe ini met two sisters while i was walking my dog.
of course they were quick to stop and talk to and easy mark like me.
things did not go as they expected.
Question on Divorce when NOT scrip free.
by wantstoleave inhope some light can be shed for me here :).
to cut a long story short, ex left me well over a year ago and filed divorce proceedings on me from another country.
was thrown out of court as the jurisdiction wasn't correct.
Yep, that would be reproval. And I got divorced for the same reason you are. I don't know what country you are in, but in the US there's no getting away from debt your spouse incurred. Learned THAT the hard way.
Any WINE buffs on here ?
by wobble ini am not an expert on wine, can't afford to be, but i do like a good one,preferably red, but i have tasted some excellent rose and white.. my question is for the benefit of my sister in law, she is a chain smoker, and perhaps for that reason cannot abide a wine that is even slightly dry, she only drinks white,but does not enjoy the sweet white she has bought (cheapo bottles) so sticks lemonade in medium or dry white.. that is o.k if she is paying, but i often buy a good quality white, around $20 , and she desecrates it by pouring in the lemonade !.
can anyone recommend a wine,not too expensive,that she would enjoy ?
i suppose for her strange palate it would have to be "sweet" , but she hates sickly sweet.
I'm a whine experet. Wait, was that the question?
Odd things the anointed have done
by wouldacouldashoulda inaround a dozen years ago my congregation organised a "cong" party.
all went well until out 80 year old anointed sister sang "big spender".
i have never seen our cong so scared before.. .
This is certainly not a big thing but it was weird enough that I never forgot it. One Sunday my family visited a different congregation. Mother was called on to read a scripture. The conductor asked her to read "verses twenty-six and seven." Mother misunderstood and read vs. 6 and 7. He thanked her, then apologetically asked someone to read the correct scripture. I caught the mistake but was little enough and shy enough not to try to correct her while she was reading in front of the congregation. This was near the beginning of the meeting. At the very end of the meeting an anointed brother raises his hand and in front of the whole congregation over the microphone, proceeds to tell the conductor how HE said the wrong scripture to my mother. It was really weird that, not only did he feel the need to stick up for her, not only did he not wait to do it in private later, but he was wrong.
Crossposted, but at least Ynot has confirmed that I am always right.
My understanding was always that they could as long as the death penalty wasn't an issue.
I've been out of work for four months. I would be thrilled to be on a jury. How come it's only people who don't want it that get it?
Blood and the Hospital Liaison Committee
by BathroomServant1 inbefore i ask the question i have, i'll present some background information.. my story: when i was 16, i was hospitalized with bone marrow cancer for an extended period of time.
of course, the blood issue came up as doctors noticed that i may quickly need one.
at the time being fully "in", i refused one, but being a minor the doctors pushed the issue to the court system.
My post disappeared!
Welcome to the forum BathroomServant1
I know there's at least one former HLC member on the forum but I can't remember who. Hopefully he'll find your thread.
1914.....1919......Where did these dates come from?!?
by losthusband inwhilst trying to discuss the history of jwism with my family, the 1914 and 1919 dates were brought up!.
is there a definitive topic/article which discusses these dates?.
i have heard talk of pyramids, and no scriptural basis at all.
If you have more time to invest in the subject, I highly recommend getting a copy of Captives of a Concept. It blasts the 1919 concept out of the water.
Is Christianity a form of mental disorder?
by John Doe intake the average born again.
they begin their day imagining a powerful imaginary friend, and then go around mocking rational people and daring them to disprove the imaginary friend exists.
some even hear voices from their imaginary friend and claim he exercises magic for their benefit.
No, I don't think so. At least in the majority of Christians; I'm sure there are a few loonies.
I think that Christianity involves a combination of believing in a community fable and praciticing psychological techniques that creat the sensation of receiving spirit. Of course, Christians don't realize that they are creating certain psychological states through prayer, meditation, singing or chanting. They prefer to believe it's coming from an outside source. And it's easy to believe in the same story everyone else does when (a) it's impossible to disprove and (b) it isn't inherently harmful to do so.
What do you think....can they???
by Heartbreaker incan the elders disfellowship a person for using their own literature and scriptures in a way that makes them look bad to discipline a person?
i am getting ready to send an email to my torn and tortured sister who is df'd regarding the practice of it, how the wtbts adopted it, and scriptural reasoning that show its a harmful practice at best.
she is still convinced that she should try to be reinstated, and i am partially afraid she could print it and show it to the brothers.
Anonymous snail mail is safer than email. Emails are often used to prove things in court. But in person or even over the phone would be best. Yes using the scriptures in a way that contradicts the WTS could land you in a JC.