You have my respect. It may not mean much but for what it's worth I respect people who stand up for what they believe!
do atheists celebrate christmas, the celebration of christ's birth?.
if so, why?.
You have my respect. It may not mean much but for what it's worth I respect people who stand up for what they believe!
do atheists celebrate christmas, the celebration of christ's birth?.
if so, why?.
So, who is more deluded the man who believes and celebrates or the man who does not believe but celebrates the birth of God's Son anyway...a God he does not believe in?
Which man has more integrity? Which man lives according to his belief and conscience? To celebrate tells your neighbors you believe. If you don't believe why not tell the world by not celebrating? Or is that too hard to do?
do atheists celebrate christmas, the celebration of christ's birth?.
if so, why?.
Do atheists celebrate Christmas, the celebration of Christ's birth?
If so, why?
i've been conditioned since childhood that i'm going to live forever.
i'm having a hard time contemplating the fact that i'm going to die.
i'm so afraid of death that i can't enjoy the life i have now.
Don't be quick to believe that everything you once believed is false! Make up your own mind and heart. One man tells us we must follow him and then another man comes along and says the first man was all wrong and the best thing to do is follow him cause he knows better than the first.
Make up your own mind don't follow anyone else. The Governing Body is not your god but then neither is anyone here. Don't trade one belief for another, both are most probably half wrong and half right. Reason, reason, reason.
prayer.. billions of people have been praying for hundreds of years for peace.
other billions pray for happiness for mankind.
not one evidence exists that he hears or that he cares.. can anyone provide solid evidence that god answers prayers.
Did God always answer Jesus' prayers the way Jesus wanted them answered? No.
Sometimes what we want is not possible at the time.
the society (and others) love to quote job 26:7 where it says that "[god] suspends the earth over nothing" and isaiah 40:22, where it speaks of "the circle of the earth".
they use these scriptures to boast about the incredible scientific accuracy of the bible, proving god had a direct hand in everything written in it.. the trouble is that elsewhere in the scriptures, opposing views are put forth explaining then-unexplainable physics and geographical notions.
one is job 26:11: "the pillars of heaven tremble.
"We know what the planets are made of. We can calculate how old the earth is, when it formed, how old the sun is, what elements comprise the sun and what relation those have to the planets. We can take ice core samples and determine what the atmosphere was comprised of millions of years ago. We can create computer simulations of the planetary bodies orientations and calculate backwards where they formed and from what materials."
The facts you cite really do not explain the very thing you claimed to know: the origins of the universe. The age of the earth and the sun and their elements do not explain the origins of the universe. Age and origin are two different things.
the society (and others) love to quote job 26:7 where it says that "[god] suspends the earth over nothing" and isaiah 40:22, where it speaks of "the circle of the earth".
they use these scriptures to boast about the incredible scientific accuracy of the bible, proving god had a direct hand in everything written in it.. the trouble is that elsewhere in the scriptures, opposing views are put forth explaining then-unexplainable physics and geographical notions.
one is job 26:11: "the pillars of heaven tremble.
Ok, what are your good hard facts about the origins of the earth?
the society (and others) love to quote job 26:7 where it says that "[god] suspends the earth over nothing" and isaiah 40:22, where it speaks of "the circle of the earth".
they use these scriptures to boast about the incredible scientific accuracy of the bible, proving god had a direct hand in everything written in it.. the trouble is that elsewhere in the scriptures, opposing views are put forth explaining then-unexplainable physics and geographical notions.
one is job 26:11: "the pillars of heaven tremble.
"I found good hard facts about where the universe and I came from -"
What are your good hard facts about the origins of the universe?
the society (and others) love to quote job 26:7 where it says that "[god] suspends the earth over nothing" and isaiah 40:22, where it speaks of "the circle of the earth".
they use these scriptures to boast about the incredible scientific accuracy of the bible, proving god had a direct hand in everything written in it.. the trouble is that elsewhere in the scriptures, opposing views are put forth explaining then-unexplainable physics and geographical notions.
one is job 26:11: "the pillars of heaven tremble.
Why are atheists so obsessed with God? Move on already!
my one disclaimer is this: to my theistic friends, i am not saying the following to be disrespectful of your beliefs.
however, since i don't believe as you all do, it is only honest of me to present this.. i bring this up because i have been caught up lately in debates that i normally don't involve myself in.
i have been left a little drained and confused as to why i allowed myself to argue a point till its beaten to a bloody pulp.
So from now on, if someone insists on trying to shove some unproveable, weird, psuedo spiritual exegesis down my throat, or if they want to try and spin matters involving gods clear "taking his hands off the wheel" approach to ruling us, my response will be to learn a great lesson from those gusts of wind caused by doors heading in my direction as I was spewing intellectual poo....
"Uh, I'm not interested." *closes door*
I may try that myself.