It's not about the $. It's about control. The cold hearted bastards love this stuff because it gives them carte blanche to have a meeting to judge whose worthy and whose not.
Interestingly, it's the Service Dept, headed by T Jaracz who writes the KM, not Writing Dept, headed by Barr, I think. You can tell the difference in style. You'd never find such drivel in the WT. I read somewhere on this site that these two camps dont like each other.
It's the same with the signs on the back two rows. That was in the KM also. Control, Control, Control. It now gives them something to do.
I know where the elders had a 3 hr meeting on a Sunday to discuss where the congregation should sit. They also posted MS to stand by those 2 rows like guards to block anyone who "violated" the signage. Nice huh?
Couldn't wait to go to the meeting to feel the love.