"I was surprised to see you write this. From some things you wrote earlier I thought you were a believer."
I am not a believer in the miracles reported in the NT. I do respect the man who is reported to have said the words of his Father, words that have enlightened and freed so many. In this I believe, for someone DID teach these things, the rest though is suspect IMO.
What appeared to you as belief was merely an attempt to show Clash that his beliefs concerning women's place in the congregation is contrary to the place that Jesus(in the writings of the Apostle John) gave women, as opposed to Paul's writings.
As a side thought, I believe Paul went right back to his Pharisaical roots, he established rules, procedures, acceptable behavior etc., he IMO never really came to know Jesus' teachings, which would help to explain the fact that Jesus' teachings, illustrations, parables, etc., are not referred to by Paul. He really is silent on these things.
He did not spread the word of his Master. If the Gospels had been lost and only Paul's letters remained we would never have known what Jesus taught, his love, his magnificence! The early congregations did not have the Gospels in hand, they had Paul's letters, letters which do not explain or remind them of the words of Jesus, Paul's Lord!!
While claiming Jesus as the foundation, Paul chose to complete the building according to his own design!