There would be no doctors to help us.
There would be no teachers to teach us.
There would be no engneers to build things.
Their would be no electricians to electrify things.
There would be no great chefs to masterfully create awesome meals.
There would be no accountants to help keep books balanced.
There would be no vets to help keep our pets healthy.
There would be no chemists to do all the chemistry things that make so many things we use.
There would be no scientists to dazzle us with new discoveries.
There would be no Hubble Space Station, and how could we possible appreciate the glory of God if we couldn't see beyond our nose?
I bet you can think of lots of things I can't...but you get my drift!!!
We'd all be sitting around, huddled into our little tight knit bundles of bible study banter rehashing the same old verses day after day, and never ever come to any understanding at all about how grand our world is, how insanely HUGE this entire universe is and not to mention the other universes besides this one, nor could we grasp what other planets are like without higher education.
Just sayin....