I'm not big on birthdays. But my fav holiday here in Australia is Australia Day it's still warm but not sweltering like Xmas and everyone running around with flags having fun and beer and BBQ'S
Posts by LucyA
by feenx infor those of us who were not able to celebrate birthday's growing up, do you find that in adult life you put a lot of emphasis on your birthday?
it's personally my favorite celebration, second would be thanksgiving but really only because i'm a sucker for lots of turkey and booze lol.
seriously though, since coming out birthday's have surprisingly become a very sacred thing to me.
Toxic Family - Why Are You So Selfish?
by shamus100 init never ceases to amaze me how many people are succumbing to low-self esteem by allowing toxic family members dictate their lives, and sit by like sheepish puppy-dogs while they get berated and told that they are basically crowfood shit.
"oh, i'm just trying to keep the peace", some may say.
i say you need to go on the offensive.
Thanks you gave me some things to think about I forgot to say however your first post was really well thought out you are right.
If your parent doesn't respect your opinons do you have to respect theirs?
Toxic Family - Why Are You So Selfish?
by shamus100 init never ceases to amaze me how many people are succumbing to low-self esteem by allowing toxic family members dictate their lives, and sit by like sheepish puppy-dogs while they get berated and told that they are basically crowfood shit.
"oh, i'm just trying to keep the peace", some may say.
i say you need to go on the offensive.
See my mother does it SNEAKY. I'll give you an example a Friend of mine died recently and I went to the funeral. This I how this conversation went.
Me: Hi Mum
Her : Hi. How are you?
Me: Fine
Her: BLAH BLAH BLAH small talk.
Her: How was the funeral?
Me: Depressing (as it shold be)
Her: Pardise earth me returning ec
Me: BLAH BLAH BLAH Small talk Fuming
In my head though I'm yelling how DARE you use my friends death against me. MUST BE RESPECTFUL!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Growing up as a JW?
by Nicolas inhi, just wanted to share a bit of my experience, especially in my childhood.
i've been a lurker for a while here.
dunno if my experience is unique (probably not), i've been in the jw for almost all of my childhood, then i became inactive around the age of 12 because i followed my parents when they decided to become inactive.
Hope things get better Nicolas it becomes easier with time and study the more I understand of how I was programed the more relaxed I become about things that before would have freaked me out.
Best of Luck
Growing up as a JW?
by Nicolas inhi, just wanted to share a bit of my experience, especially in my childhood.
i've been a lurker for a while here.
dunno if my experience is unique (probably not), i've been in the jw for almost all of my childhood, then i became inactive around the age of 12 because i followed my parents when they decided to become inactive.
I once wrote this for my clinicly depressed sister I thought you might like to read it too.
I once read somewhere that true freedom can ’ t be achieved without sacrifice. If that ’ s true the children of JW truly have earned their freedom because we have sacrificed allot. We sacrificed our childhoods and our sense of self to an organization that ’ s sole purpose is to control its members. We sacrificed our freedom and the ability to express ourselves
The thing is second generation JW didn’t choose this sacrifice for many of us this sacrifice was made for us long before we were born without our permission or input. We are just expected to be OK with it. We played the game we tried very hard reach the goal posts we sweated blood we attended all meetings we did our pre-study, we went witnessing and followed all the rules (well the ones we could there ’ s too many to follow them all). But just when you got within spitting distance of the goal posts somebody moved them on you and you had too do it all over again. This of course became very frustrating after awhile and we became dejected or depressed or both only to be informed that this was our fault for not trying hard enough so we tried harder not just happy with being baptised we had pioneer too but soon that was not good enough again was had to A.P (this is the only part I feel sorry for the men about once you became an A.P as a women their was no where else to go for the men theirs a whole list of other things for you not to be good enough for.)
Sacrifice is an extremely difficult concept for anyone to grasp but many of us realised to gain our freedom and sanity we needed to make one final sacrifice the largest and hardest of them all. We had too sacrifice our relationships with the only people we had ever been able to create relationships with our only friends (in my case) and this was the most painful sacrifice of all because these were the people we loved who we grew with who helped raise us and we knew that they would walk past us in the street without even a courtesy hello we ceased to exist in their eyes and in their hearts. For many of our friends and family members this sacrifice was too much and they remain as we were under the thumb of an organisation that can ’ t allow its members to take a breath for fear that they find their strength to do the same as us.
We have truly earned our freedom and how many people can say that?
Does your JW family exhaust you?
by LucyA inive kind of been lurking on this website for a month and ive decided to introduce myself so a little background.
i was born and raised jw at about the age of sixteen i started to have doubts about my mothers chosen religion (dad is not jw) so started to do some research and decided it wasnt for me.
my mothers still at me about going back though.
Thanks everyone
Just a Follow Up Question. How do you keep contact to a minimum Without being disrespectful?
Had fun today
by iknowall558 intoday i went into a charity shop near where i live.
it was the cancer research shop.
when i was there i noticed a nwt , (the new softback version), sitting on the shelf amongst the bric-a-brac.
Well done! I would have just paid for it and the burnt it but I think you soln is better.
Ever had some Witness storm out or turn off a Movie you were watching! Which one?
by Witness 007 ini was watching steve martin "leap of faith" pg rated mind you with some witnesses.
he plays a fake faith healer.
their were a couple swear words, and the brothers asked me to switch it off.. same thing happened with christine applegate movie {pg 13} "don't tell mom the babysiters dead.
casper. seriously not kidding!
So confused
by greenie inso i've been reading this board for a while but never posted.
so, go easy on me!
i have a lot of thoughts, but they're not going to be totally clear.. my story: i was dating a guy, not long, but totally fell in love with him.
Just a small peace of advice from somone that grew up in a devided home. Just because he can quote the bible from memory doesn't make him right. Choose your battles wisely but dont let him become the only voice in your child's life.
Sudanese woman avoids court whipping for wearing trousers....Watchtower society furious at decision!
by Witness 007 ina female journalist in sudan was spared a whipping for wearing trousers on thursday and was instead fined $200 dollars......the watchtower society is currently planning to adopt simular punishment for wayward sisters..
When I was going to the kingdom hall I always found the eary thing to do is wear a long flowing skirt with trousers under it. I was such a chased sister. LOL