It's like 100 degrees here at least you can get warm try getting cold> SO HOT> NEED WATER>
Posts by LucyA
Its so cold!
by creativhoney ini can't get warm.
its 13 degrees today but feels like zero.. the wind has been blowing down the chimney all day without letup and my feet are freezing :(.
What "Unwritten Rules" Did Your Congregation Have?
by minimus ini knew of a hall that allowed only white shirted speakers on the platform for sunday public talks!
when a visiting speaker did not wear the official white shirt he was either told that he couldn't give the talk or he could change shirts,as the hall kept a variety of sizes, just in case of an emergency!!!
i don't make this up.
We didn't have the white shirt rule but the rule I hated the most was the brothers had to where the jackets even in summer!! 45 0C in a non air-conditioned hall the Poor brothers looked as though they were going to faint by the end of the meeting.
Did you know any kick A$$ sisters?
by highdose inthe type that refused to cowtow to the elders, stood up for themselves etc?
i did, i was one of them, and like all that i've known, i left..
WE had one older sister she was in her 80's or 90's I think she had been JW her entire life basically and had an encyclopaedic knowledge of the society. She questioned and corrected the elder frequently and loudly but since everyone loved her the elders couldn't do a damn thing about it. She was also the one who when she found out I was having doubts told me to study not only JW doctrine but others as well. I miss her she was a GREAT lady.
Dubs and BORG
by brainwashed-from-birth inhello i am sort of new and have noticed the above two words used to decribe the organization and the people that follow it.
what exactly do the words stand for?
are they abbrievations?
I don’t Know where Dubs comes from but Borg is from star trek their a group of aliens who go around trying to assimilate everyone into the collective (basically a giant computer) all Borg that don’t work correctly or atempt to go against the collective are purged (destroyed) so it wont screw up the rest. Great metaphor for the JW I think.
So i'm in trouble with my mother again! (Just venting)
by LucyA inalthough we were born-ins three of quit being jw for various reasons the only one still in is my brother (whos devout) he also converted his wife.
so here it is both my sisters were born two weeks apart and we decided we should all get together and celebrate their birthdays they got presents it was a fun day.
but here the fun part i get a call from my mother ask why we had "excluded" our brother our response he doesn't celebrate birthdays we were respecting his beliefs and my mother goes into a rant about us not caring for him this is a man who doesn't return our phone calls takes every opportunity to lecture us and show total disregard for our beliefs or feelings.
thanks everyone!
So i'm in trouble with my mother again! (Just venting)
by LucyA inalthough we were born-ins three of quit being jw for various reasons the only one still in is my brother (whos devout) he also converted his wife.
so here it is both my sisters were born two weeks apart and we decided we should all get together and celebrate their birthdays they got presents it was a fun day.
but here the fun part i get a call from my mother ask why we had "excluded" our brother our response he doesn't celebrate birthdays we were respecting his beliefs and my mother goes into a rant about us not caring for him this is a man who doesn't return our phone calls takes every opportunity to lecture us and show total disregard for our beliefs or feelings.
Although we were born-ins three of quit Being JW for various reasons the only one still in is my brother (who’s devout) he also converted his wife. so here it is both my sisters were born two weeks apart and we decided we should all get together and celebrate their birthdays they got presents it was a fun day.
But here the fun part I get a call from my mother ask why we had "EXCLUDED" our brother our response he doesn't celebrate birthdays we were respecting his beliefs and my mother goes into a rant about us not caring for HIM this is a man who doesn't return our phone calls takes every opportunity to lecture us and show total disregard for our beliefs or feelings.
So if we invite him where not respecting his beliefs and if we don’t where excluding him! WTF!!!!
I think, retrospectively;
by AK - Jeff inthat it was not losing all my friends that hurt so damned bad.... it was finding out they weren't my friends that hurt so damned bad.. sometimes it still hurts so bad i want to curl fetal.. jeff.
I didn't mind missing the people who used to "pretend" to be my friends. So much as my brother he seams angry at me.
Do what I did volunteer for something planting trees, animal protection society ec I found more real friends in two years than I did in sixteen and they don't dump me if I disagree with them.
BOTH of you guys well done really Funny!
The J double you baby makin machine
by 1914BS inthe watctower says that masturbation is wrong and that the only way you are going to get your rocks off.
is by gettin married to another jw.
many jw are born in 2nd 3rd 4th generation and think that the slave is all there is.
your point being?
How Much of an Impact is Being Made by Young JW' s Leaving the Cult ?
by flipper inwe have read threads where statistics show that 2 out of every 3 people raised as jehovah's witnesses eventually leave once they get in their 20's to 30's and out on their own.
my children and my nieces and nephews are between the ages of 21 to 35 .
out of those 8 people - 4 of them have completely stopped attending meetings .
Well speaking from experience in my Ex congregation it goes like this
Family 1- 4 children 3 out
Family 2- 3 Children all out
Family 3- 1 child still in (uber JW)
Family 4- 2 children all out
Family 5- 2 children still in (one dying)
Family 6- 5 children all out including parents.
so whats that out of 17 chlidren 13 are out. I grew up in a really small cong though.