Let me think... how about maybe...
I thought OBAMA was supposed to be a moderate, not a liberal. Anyway, wasn't that the inauguration, not a privately sponsored rally?
i have been watching glenn beck for over a year and i like him...he says what most americans are thinking and feeling.
there is no doubt he has a love for our creator.
btw i was a jw for 10 years and left that religion for good...i have no desire to belong to another religion but i do consider myself a christian.. just wanted to know what your opinion is of glenn beck.
Let me think... how about maybe...
I thought OBAMA was supposed to be a moderate, not a liberal. Anyway, wasn't that the inauguration, not a privately sponsored rally?
i have been watching glenn beck for over a year and i like him...he says what most americans are thinking and feeling.
there is no doubt he has a love for our creator.
btw i was a jw for 10 years and left that religion for good...i have no desire to belong to another religion but i do consider myself a christian.. just wanted to know what your opinion is of glenn beck.
Well, Ri - you really seem to have gotten the JWN left out of joint with this thread!
The thing you have to remember is that at least two of these people are ardent supporters of ACORN - in spite of their history of voter registration fraud and embezzlement. They will never get over the fact that the Beck program was instrumental in folding it.
They also simply cannot grasp that Obama really has surrounded himself with actual avowed socialists, Marxists, and communists in the White House - Van Jones is a perfect example. The leftmost posters here see nothing wrong with Van Jones - even though he proclaimed himself a Marxist and also made statements that he believed 9/11 was done by our own government. They still hate Beck for calling Van Jones to task and getting him fired.
Another important point to be made is this: I personally cannot think of a national spokesperson for the anti-Beck left that could possibly have organized such a large and peaceful rally as we saw Beck do on 8/28 in D.C. Go ahead, liberals - tell us WHO you have that could have done it!
I find fault with Beck on some of the hyper-religious stuff - but at least he has been very non-denominational about it. Whether the left likes it or not, it is becoming clear that the majority of the country is listening to his "back to the roots" message, and that the far-left reactionaries are being reduced back down to their normal 20% share of political thought here in the U.S.
Good thread, Ri.
the headquarters of discovery communications in silver spring, md.
is under lockdown after a gunman entered the building and took hostages.
the man is wearing or carrying an explosive device.
froggies. and, of course, the squirrels.
the lord spoke to me last night but warned me that if i tried to share it with others that i would be ridiculed and made fun of.
he acknowledged that this would be hurtful and that instead of showing a brave face and enduring in his name, i should go ahead and pout and sulk.
i asked if i should post my experience and he said, "eh, what the fuck ever... if wanna really good pout, you should post it on the internet for all to see.
I'm afraid not my friend! I am a classy lady! I was making a point.
Peace and light
Perhaps we missed that point? I even went and checked your other thread and was dissapointed...
I dunno... too many beers can be pretty dangerous
Especially when the two of them work together - fairy gets you drunk, witch turns you into froggie. But, you know, maybe this is an answer to the Discovery Channel hostage taker guy - he hates humans but loves froggies...
the headquarters of discovery communications in silver spring, md.
is under lockdown after a gunman entered the building and took hostages.
the man is wearing or carrying an explosive device.
I just heard Sean Hannity blathering about this. He says liberals will find a way to blame this on FOX 'News' and the right.
But the guy plainly said he had this epiphany after watching the Al Gore movie on global warming -
the lord spoke to me last night but warned me that if i tried to share it with others that i would be ridiculed and made fun of.
he acknowledged that this would be hurtful and that instead of showing a brave face and enduring in his name, i should go ahead and pout and sulk.
i asked if i should post my experience and he said, "eh, what the fuck ever... if wanna really good pout, you should post it on the internet for all to see.
Jealous, yes...but the witch can be far more dangerous...
the lord spoke to me last night but warned me that if i tried to share it with others that i would be ridiculed and made fun of.
he acknowledged that this would be hurtful and that instead of showing a brave face and enduring in his name, i should go ahead and pout and sulk.
i asked if i should post my experience and he said, "eh, what the fuck ever... if wanna really good pout, you should post it on the internet for all to see.
Let me just say that if it was for attention, i would have posted a ''saucy'' picture of myself
Of course, there is always still time -
the headquarters of discovery communications in silver spring, md.
is under lockdown after a gunman entered the building and took hostages.
the man is wearing or carrying an explosive device.
I guess we can assume he is pro-choice rather than pro-life.
Or, maybe we could make that pro-no-choice - kill them all.
i have been watching glenn beck for over a year and i like him...he says what most americans are thinking and feeling.
there is no doubt he has a love for our creator.
btw i was a jw for 10 years and left that religion for good...i have no desire to belong to another religion but i do consider myself a christian.. just wanted to know what your opinion is of glenn beck.
BTW - notice the similarities with LDS & JW? Except the LDS has done a much better job of positioning itself to prosper and be part of the mainstream without losing the control. If I were the WTS, I would try to take as many pages out of the LDS playbook as possible.
Give them time. The LDS goes back a ways further, and has had the benefit of having had the U.S. Government give them a little tune-up about arranged child plural marriage and their nasty little habit of killing off non-Mormon settlers in Utah.
my opinion is that atheism is not a belief.
it is a belief in no belief..
BTW I was suggesting a separate thread in case we were derailing this one.
Nothing much to see here or derail, anymore.