I checked the schedule on CNN for Connie's show tonight and there is no mention of the witnesses. It's about protecting children from abduction and a missing pilot. Are you sure it's not set for a another day?
JoinedPosts by its_my_life2001ca
Connie Chung part 2 -Thursdays show
by DevonMcBride inkeep your vcr's warm because another jw abuse victim was interviewed and will be aired tomorrow (thursday) on connie chung.
her name is michelle and her mother, jean kraus, was in the ny times article.
devon mcbride .
so whats wrong with fathers day?
by annalice infathers day is coming up and this will be the first year that i will be getting my dad the card and a gift .
i mentioned it to someone and they acted like i was commiting a sin.
so what problem do the jw's have with this holiday ?
The Bible never said we should celebrate wedding anniversaries and yet I have seen whole congregations get together to celebrate 25th and 50th anniversaries. They say it's okay because marriage was instituted by God. Does the Bible not also say we should honour our fathers and mothers? True we should do it 365 days of the year but it's nice to give them a special day.
Lies in the Dateline Show
by TheMatrix infirst lie: erica.
i dont believe erica lied about her abuse.
obviously it must be true, even mr. beliz confessed that he touched her inappropriately.
The society handles pedophiles judiciously? Why is it in the world, they have such a problem with repeat offenders and yet in the truth they feel confession and a prayer cures them. Both molesters featured last night were reinstated after short periods of time. I remember from Amazing's account, the elders kept the info within the committee but took the necessary steps to protect their own children. In the interest of "confidentiality", other children in the congregation were playing russian roulette. I think the society is more interested in protecting the reputation of the "organization" than the welfare of it's adherents.
Is Greg Stafford Disfellowshiped?
by the follower ini remember someone saying that an anouncement was going to be made at greg's kingdom hall about him being disfellowshiped tonight.. does anyone know if that happened?
If you check out the link mentionned in Aaac's posting "JW girlBreaking Canadian law", it takes you to a JW site. Under JW Theology, they discuss Stafford's new book. Some had read the first one and were impressed so were looking forward to his second one. However, some who had read that one were warning them against doing so as it was critical of the society. They made comments such as him becoming "puffed up" and being on the road to apostasy.Now I'm curious about the book.
WTS says you are free to do what we tell you
by ozziepost inthe may 15 issue of the watchtower contains a discussion of the question: would it be advisable for a true christian to attend a funeral or a wedding in a church?.
the tone of the wts view is set in the very first line our taking part in any form of false religion is displeasing to jehovah and must be avoided.
nonetheless the last line of the article states whatever the situation, the christian should make sure that the decision will not interfere with his preserving a good conscience before god and men.. so apparently it's a personal decision for the jw as to whether he/she will attend a funeral in a church or not.
As rigid as it sounds, JW's are not the only ones who hold to this. When my father died, who was not a witness, I sat off to the side so as not to be a participant. My sister-in-law who was a strict catholic did likewise as she was uncomfortable about attending other places of worship.As witnesses, we were used to taking everything to the extreme and seemed to forget to let "our reasonableness" be known.I realize now there's a difference between worshipping in another church and attending one to show our respects to someone.
Will Charles ever be the King?
by Mulan indo the british people think charles will ever be the king?
if elizabeth inherits her mother's longevity, she could live another 25 years or so.
that will make charles quite old, won't it?
I agree with you Mulan. Seeing the Queen Mum's longevity and the fact that Elizabeth seems as healthy as a horse, Charles may need a walker for his coronation. Seriously though,I think monarchies have outlived their usefullness.The concept of 'blue blood' is outdated. This line should die out with Eliz and let the rest of the Windsor's try to get back as much as a possible a 'normal' life. Give them a nice little home in the country and repossess their castles as public property.Oh such heresy..probably stone me in England.
Just In: Andrea Yates To Be Executed
by Candle inthe state of texas will execute andrea yates for the murder of her children.
the jury decision was just announced.
she had choked and drowned her children to death, five in all.
Again I ask, where did people get it that they were witnesses? Someone mentionned the Larry King show but that was Susan Smith's husband who was interviewed on it last week who said he was no longer a witness. I was under the impression they were involved with a fundalmentalist group and even the references Andrea made concerning the fate of her children not going to hell don't jive with the witness teachings. I'm not standing up for the witnesses as I'm no longer one but I do get tired sometimes of the mob mentality and people starting rumours. We were lied to once and that's why we're out of the Borg. Let's not make the same mistake and mislead others.
Just In: Andrea Yates To Be Executed
by Candle inthe state of texas will execute andrea yates for the murder of her children.
the jury decision was just announced.
she had choked and drowned her children to death, five in all.
Candle.. Do you have not have Andrea's husband confused with that of Susan Smith, David. His mother was a witness and he was in his childhood. Andrea and her husband belonged to some strange church but I never heard them connected to JW's. Admittedly, we've all had our share of problems with the JW's but let's not blame them for everything that's wrong in this world.
Exaggeration and embellishments dilute the message
by ozziepost in(page 62).
(page 35).
(page 100).
I just finished reading the book and could relate to many of her experiences especially the early ones where we were lured to become more involved in the org. lest we be destroyed at armageddon. I have never seen the child beatings that she alluded to but that could just be the luck of the draw. However, when she speaks of the money shortage for Bethel brothers, Franz wrote in C of C on page 82, that their $14.00 monthly stipend barely covered their transportation costs to the meetings and in some cases was less. In our area also, we were counseled against being too casual in our dress for service.I think there were many practices that were not uniform throughout the org.
A General Knowledge Picture Question.
by Englishman inhere is the question, it relates to the pic below:.
in which picturesque township do the residents live in houses like this?.
clue: i might give one later if no-one gets the answer.. .
Santana in Portugal (Funchal)?