I agree with you Mulan. Seeing the Queen Mum's longevity and the fact that Elizabeth seems as healthy as a horse, Charles may need a walker for his coronation. Seriously though,I think monarchies have outlived their usefullness.The concept of 'blue blood' is outdated. This line should die out with Eliz and let the rest of the Windsor's try to get back as much as a possible a 'normal' life. Give them a nice little home in the country and repossess their castles as public property.Oh such heresy..probably stone me in England.
JoinedPosts by its_my_life2001ca
Will Charles ever be the King?
by Mulan indo the british people think charles will ever be the king?
if elizabeth inherits her mother's longevity, she could live another 25 years or so.
that will make charles quite old, won't it?
Just In: Andrea Yates To Be Executed
by Candle inthe state of texas will execute andrea yates for the murder of her children.
the jury decision was just announced.
she had choked and drowned her children to death, five in all.
Again I ask, where did people get it that they were witnesses? Someone mentionned the Larry King show but that was Susan Smith's husband who was interviewed on it last week who said he was no longer a witness. I was under the impression they were involved with a fundalmentalist group and even the references Andrea made concerning the fate of her children not going to hell don't jive with the witness teachings. I'm not standing up for the witnesses as I'm no longer one but I do get tired sometimes of the mob mentality and people starting rumours. We were lied to once and that's why we're out of the Borg. Let's not make the same mistake and mislead others.
Just In: Andrea Yates To Be Executed
by Candle inthe state of texas will execute andrea yates for the murder of her children.
the jury decision was just announced.
she had choked and drowned her children to death, five in all.
Candle.. Do you have not have Andrea's husband confused with that of Susan Smith, David. His mother was a witness and he was in his childhood. Andrea and her husband belonged to some strange church but I never heard them connected to JW's. Admittedly, we've all had our share of problems with the JW's but let's not blame them for everything that's wrong in this world.
Exaggeration and embellishments dilute the message
by ozziepost in(page 62).
(page 35).
(page 100).
I just finished reading the book and could relate to many of her experiences especially the early ones where we were lured to become more involved in the org. lest we be destroyed at armageddon. I have never seen the child beatings that she alluded to but that could just be the luck of the draw. However, when she speaks of the money shortage for Bethel brothers, Franz wrote in C of C on page 82, that their $14.00 monthly stipend barely covered their transportation costs to the meetings and in some cases was less. In our area also, we were counseled against being too casual in our dress for service.I think there were many practices that were not uniform throughout the org.
A General Knowledge Picture Question.
by Englishman inhere is the question, it relates to the pic below:.
in which picturesque township do the residents live in houses like this?.
clue: i might give one later if no-one gets the answer.. .
Santana in Portugal (Funchal)?
A General Knowledge Picture Question.
by Englishman inhere is the question, it relates to the pic below:.
in which picturesque township do the residents live in houses like this?.
clue: i might give one later if no-one gets the answer.. .
Would it be Jethro Tull or the Moody Blues?
Honest Research: Why?
by Adonai438 ini am trying to gather info.
on why people leave the wt.. i have read many personal stories but thought it would be easier to just post the question:.
if you can remember, what was the very first thing.
When I first left, it was not over doctrinal issues either but my eyes were later opened after reading C of C. I guess loneliness was one problem for me. No one had time for anyone else and I was wondering what happened to the love we were supposed to be noted for.There were cliques in our congregation and a disparity in justice. If you had a problem with an elder, you were supposed to be patient and wait on Jehovah. If a publisher was the problem, it seemed like they were ripped through the tribunal in no time. Also, service was discouraging, days at a time speaking to no one and feeling there were better ways of spending my time but accomplishing as much good. I also got tired of having to explain why I missed a meeting or wasn;t at the service arrangement... feeling like a kid who has to justify everything they do and not enjoying life as it came.I guess what it all comes down to was they took my joy away from serving God and made everything a burden. You only have a small pool from which to select your prospective mates and even your friends and if there's no one among them that you 'click with' then tough luck.
Resurrection...to where???
by lv4fer incan anyone give me scriptural proof that we will be resurrected to life on earth?
i can't find anything except scriptures that talk about a resurrection to heaven.
To me it only seems reasonable for man to have an earthly hope. The bible says that God gave the earth to man and the way it was created satisfies our desires.The majority of us have never had the opportunity or time to really enjoy life here the way we were meant to and for some it's a fleeting existence. Does God need us in heaven?..is there a shortage of angels?..unless we pre-existed there, why would we want to return there forever? Granted, I would love to see God and Jesus, but meaning no disrespect, I would prefer to live on earth and explore it's every crevice. Really enjoy life the way we have imagined it. Anyway, time will tell and we do have the assurance that God has our best interests at heart.
JWs: Hedging Their Bets?
by Room 215 inthis is directed at long-time jws.
it's quite apparent to me as an observer of the movement for more than 50 years, that jws are nowhere near as obsessed with the imminence of armageddon as they once were.
when i was young, i would notice attractive young jw girls would wear ``aaa' (``available after armageddon'') badges at assemblies.
Hi Roomie
I think in some situations it's a case of observation. They look at some who sacrificed personal goals for the sake of the kingdom and now have very little to show for it. Many of my personal friends pioneered and specialled for many years, most of us marrying late and none of us having children, save myself who inherited 2 from my husband's previous marriage.We used to talk glowingly of our pioneer experiences but memories are not enough to grow old with.They see the financial stress we are under, concerned for our retirement, lack of fulfillment for not having tapped into our talents in pursuing some type of career which would have added another dimension to our lives.Mind you they are growing up in a world that says you have to have it all now so after a token year of pioneering they go for it. In spite of the society trying to rein in it's members, many are pushing ahead to pursue happiness.
Were you atheist/agnostic BEFORE you came here?
by gumby insomething has puzzeled me for a long time since i came to this board.
first i would like to say i'm not judging any in what i'm about to say as we all are at different places in our lives and i respect that.. here it is: at what point in your life did you no longer believe in god or believe the bible?.
how many came to this conclution after coming to this db?.
I believed in a creator before I studied with the witnesses and I still do. Some people left the borg because they felt living by the Bible was too restrictive and wanted to live a looser lifestyle. That's their choice. Many leave because of the societies policies and some of their teachings but their love for the brothers remain and love for God. They will usually look for another avenue to serve him. What happens with your family will largely depend on what's in their hearts.