JoinedPosts by trueblue
Jesus turns water into wine...
by trueblue ini heard a story a long time ago that the bible is like a bottle of fine wine that everyone has been taking a drink out of and putting a little water in it so the bottle still appears to be full, but there has been so many people that have taken turns before us taking a drink of fine wine and replacing it with water that there is only a little bit of fine wine left in the bottle but there is still some fine wine in the bottle.. john 10:27my sheep listen to my voice, and i know them, and they follow me.. i was also told that in the pass that some rulers found that it was easier to control people by putting things in the bible, like putting in the bible that the people were to give a percentage of all there earnings.
it was easier to get the people to give them money if they believed god required it then to get them to give money because a man required it.
history is not my good subject so it is hard for me to determine weather this statement is true, but i have observed that people have at the very least altered the words in the bible to help you understand the bible according to what they believe.. any inputs?.
Did anyone else ever play their record albums backwards?
by EmptyInside inokay, i'm dating myself, record albums and all that, but i remember as a kid in the 80's, everyone was playing their albums backwards looking for some hidden satanic message.
my older brothers got talked into throwing a couple of their moody blues albums away.
anyway, it was all the craze in my hall.
I heard that if you play country and western backwards you will get your house back, your wife back, your dog back, etc., etc.,
Which coffee person are you?
by Newborn inespresso (single or double)?capuccino?latte?latte macchiato?american coffee?coffee with flavour?black coffee with milk or sugar?i am definately a latte person!!
gotta have one each morning.. i regret we don't have starbucks in sweden.
Depends on the weather, wether I drink one or not.
When it is cool weather I drink/chug a warm coffee, when it is warm weather I drink/chug cool/cold pepsi, or milk and pepsi is a good energy booster. Tastes like a rootbeer float.
Jesus turns water into wine...
by trueblue ini heard a story a long time ago that the bible is like a bottle of fine wine that everyone has been taking a drink out of and putting a little water in it so the bottle still appears to be full, but there has been so many people that have taken turns before us taking a drink of fine wine and replacing it with water that there is only a little bit of fine wine left in the bottle but there is still some fine wine in the bottle.. john 10:27my sheep listen to my voice, and i know them, and they follow me.. i was also told that in the pass that some rulers found that it was easier to control people by putting things in the bible, like putting in the bible that the people were to give a percentage of all there earnings.
it was easier to get the people to give them money if they believed god required it then to get them to give money because a man required it.
history is not my good subject so it is hard for me to determine weather this statement is true, but i have observed that people have at the very least altered the words in the bible to help you understand the bible according to what they believe.. any inputs?.
Lillith26 not too sure how I would react if he spoke back though it could end up being moist towelette time
Jessus @ Mathew 3: 16 After being baptized Jesus immediately came up from the water; and, look! the heavens were opened up, and he saw descending like a dove God’s spirit coming upon him. 17 Look! Also, there was a voice from the heavens that said: “This is my Son, the beloved,
Don't know were to find that the other people that heard Gods voice when Jesus was baptized but they thought it was thunder.
I think that we would not be able to handle hearing Gods voice until we reach perfection after the one thousand year rein, and until then we will have to comunicate to God thru Jesus. Adam and Eve could hear Gods voice and they were perfect.
LouBelle I don't need any book to live my life well. Amen to that, I don't recall ever reading a book all the way thru myself except for maybe a short story.
I don't plan on writing a book Ither, but if the witnesses want to write a book about me they can kiss my behind and make it a love story.
Jesus turns water into wine...
by trueblue ini heard a story a long time ago that the bible is like a bottle of fine wine that everyone has been taking a drink out of and putting a little water in it so the bottle still appears to be full, but there has been so many people that have taken turns before us taking a drink of fine wine and replacing it with water that there is only a little bit of fine wine left in the bottle but there is still some fine wine in the bottle.. john 10:27my sheep listen to my voice, and i know them, and they follow me.. i was also told that in the pass that some rulers found that it was easier to control people by putting things in the bible, like putting in the bible that the people were to give a percentage of all there earnings.
it was easier to get the people to give them money if they believed god required it then to get them to give money because a man required it.
history is not my good subject so it is hard for me to determine weather this statement is true, but i have observed that people have at the very least altered the words in the bible to help you understand the bible according to what they believe.. any inputs?.
Aguest, Thank you for your reply!
The Catholic religion offers"mass" everyday; members are not required, however, and so most members don't, "partake" every day. It is there, however, if they wish to. Of these, the Catholic practice is closest to accurate.
I like that and the scriptures that you brought up 2. How often do I want to be in union with Christ? John 6:56; John 15:4-7
John 6: 56 He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I in union with him.
John 15: 4 -7 Remain in union with me, and I in union with YOU . Just as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it remains in the vine, in the same way neither can YOU , unless YOU remain in union with me. 5 I am the vine, YOU are the branches. He that remains in union with me, and I in union with him, this one bears much fruit; because apart from me YOU can do nothing at all. 6 If anyone does not remain in union with me, he is cast out as a branch and is dried up; and men gather those branches up and pitch them into the fire and they are burned. 7 If YOU remain in union with me and my sayings remain in YOU , ask whatever YOU wish and it will take place for YOU .
I like that because what I am thinking is that the eating of the bread or drinking from the rock mass, the cup of wine, etc. are symbols, just as I think that the tree of knowlegde of good and bad and the garden of eden are also symbols of what are in and about our heads. like it say in the model prayer as in heaven also on earth, and at
Acts 17:24 The God that made the world and all the things in it, being, as this One is, Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade temples,
I thought that there was a scripture saying something like our body is Gods tempel, you will need tobare with me a little as I did mention before that history is not one of my best subjects, and neither is reading. I have not read the bible but I think that's okay sense Jesus said to observe the pharisees.
Mathew 23:1 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to his disciples, saying: 2 “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses. 3 Therefore all the things they tell YOU , do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds, for they say but do not perform.
Also John the baptist said at Mathew 3:11 I, for my part, baptize YOU with water because of YOUR repentance; but the one coming after me is stronger than I am, whose sandals I am not fit to take off. That one will baptize YOU people with holy spirit and with fire
And the JWs will not baptize me, and or I do not have the time to learn to kiss their behinds.
So I do not believe that one needs to be baptized with water because Jesus can baptize with holy spirit and with fire, but the individual first need have the right heart condition and believe that God does exists. I had a scripture that said something like God searches the heart and if that person does not believe God exsists then his heart is not in it, but I have lost that scripture.
I hope that I have done well writing this, and my writting skills are some what better then my reading skills,
again, I do not believe that there really was a Garden of Eden, how ever I may be wrong, and a lot of things in the bible whether they really happened or not, or being material things are real or not are acually symbols representing something spiritual.
Okay here it goes
Fun tools for witnessing- "Service Monkeys"
by gubberningbody ini always thought it would be cool to get some capuchin-organ-grinder monkeys and train them to run up to doors, ring the bells and hand out tracts and accept donations in little tin cups.
you could dress them up in suits and dresses and it'd be sick!.
Is internet dating for losers?
by Newborn inafter almost a year of internet dating on various sites, i've concluded that it's not the place for me to meet the man of my dreams.
anyway, i'm happy i've given it a shot and i've gained lots of experience and even made a few male friends.
anyone here who's had better luck?.
Sorry this is the video I ment to put in.
Is it a He, She, or a She/It
Is internet dating for losers?
by Newborn inafter almost a year of internet dating on various sites, i've concluded that it's not the place for me to meet the man of my dreams.
anyway, i'm happy i've given it a shot and i've gained lots of experience and even made a few male friends.
anyone here who's had better luck?.
Is internet dating for losers?
by Newborn inafter almost a year of internet dating on various sites, i've concluded that it's not the place for me to meet the man of my dreams.
anyway, i'm happy i've given it a shot and i've gained lots of experience and even made a few male friends.
anyone here who's had better luck?.
It is like filling out a job application asking a bunch of questions that have nothing to do with weather you can do the job, and I would preffer to throw a job application into the ditch.
I do not know about for women but if I answer one from another area it is a scam artist nearly every time. Some times if I reply to one from a local area they lead you a little then say they are on a business trip to Africa and need some money to get back to the states.
People dont get disfellowshipped anymore
by foolsparadise inthey are announced as no longer being one of jehovahs witnesses.
why then do people still shun them if they are not disfellowshipped.
witnesses talk to non jws all the time, so we should be allowed to talk to members who are announced as no longer one of jehovahs witnesses.
People dont get disfellowshipped anymore is about like a drunk saying that he doesn't drink any more or any less.
Just thinking back when I was a teen, head shops could not sell you a bong or an ordenary marijuana pipe if you asked for it by name because of the laws. You had to ask for a tobacco pipe and then they would sell it to you.