They are announced as no longer being one of jehovahs witnesses. Why then do people still shun them if they are not disfellowshipped. Witnesses talk to non jws all the time, so we should be allowed to talk to members who are announced as no longer one of jehovahs witnesses. They are not being announced as disfellowshipped.
People dont get disfellowshipped anymore
by foolsparadise 24 Replies latest jw friends
i have no insider knowledge anymore but i suspect its to do with somthing legal. Possibly the DF'd person could sue if annoced as DF'd? But the R&F still understand what is to be done with them...!
They still shun because it is the same thing to them. The anouncment changed for legal reasons. I have no proff of this but it makes since, they can tell governments that "we don't kick people out, they leave on their own." But to the R&F the result is the same.
Black Sheep
Go to this Sunday's WT study. "Be Obedient and Courageous as Christ Was"
DF is discussed.
Announcing that someone "is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" is code for "you must shun this person" to every JW in attendance. There is no admission of Judicialâ„¢ action (DFing) and the larger insinuation is that the individual left voluntarily (DAd) and therefore is to be viewed as an Apostateâ„¢.
It doesn't make any difference what is announced from the platform; IF you are Dis-fellowshipped you are shunned, IF you Dis-associate yourself you are shunned.
The elders also make sure, in 'discrete' conversations, that everybody knows the exact situation to ensure that happens.
I think it's more clever than that. This is getting them used to shunning people who are "no longer JWs" so they will end up also shunning ones who just fade without a DF or DA. Evil bastards.
Jehovah's Witnesses are still shunned. They used to call it "disfellowshipping". For legal reasons, they simply say that so and so is no longer a JW.
Don't fall for their bait and swich code words. Shunning is the key, regardless of what they want to call it. Scientologists call their version of shunning "disconnecting". Big deal, its still the same, shunning over made up reasons to keep control over their little flock of indoctrinated followers.
foolsparadise, you bring up a good point...never thought of it that way. To JWs...its all the same, you're disfellowshipped. Even if its for legal reason, they should say what they mean. The announcement in its current form at face value simply means the person has decided to change their religion...and we all know there's nothing wrong with that
So does anyone know of a witness who has been reprimanded for continuing to speak to someone who is "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses?" - arguing that the announcement said nothing about being disfellowshipped?