I don't know, does Canada allow child abuse?
There are a lot of children that have been abused by JW's that are grown up. May-be the society knows it is a matter of time before it catches up with them, and bites them in the ass.
i was reading barbara anderson's recent entry on free minds, and it made me think--the society's recent maneuvers in real estate, moving things to canada, etc.
does this mean jws in the u.s. will be facing problems from the government soon?
if so, is anyone knowledgeable enough to give an educated guess as to how soon this might happen?.
if you calulated the amount of time you spent preaching, the money you have given to them, plus time developing talks, with a commision for each watchtower, awake, and other books sold.
how much would the wbt$ owe you?.
The elders or someone at the local KH talked my mother out of pressing charges on my dad for child support, they said that they would take care of it, and that they did not want the world to think that JW's could not take care of their own.
So the JW's owe me for back child support.
As for the abuse, and neglect of my child hood can only be paid with blood on judgement day.
Mathew 25:40-41 And in reply the King will say to them, "Truly I say to you, To the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."
"Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, 'Be on your way from me," you have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels,
i have a vaca coming up and need some input...where to go?
come on, i know you wanna....tell me where to go.. go ahead i can take it...
i have a vaca coming up and need some input...where to go?
come on, i know you wanna....tell me where to go.. go ahead i can take it...
i have a vaca coming up and need some input...where to go?
come on, i know you wanna....tell me where to go.. go ahead i can take it...
i have a vaca coming up and need some input...where to go?
come on, i know you wanna....tell me where to go.. go ahead i can take it...
"remember, always, young man, that science which has become a great power in the last century, has analyzed everything divine handed down to us in the holy books.
after this cruel analysis the learned of this world have nothing left of all that was sacred.
but they have only analyzed the parts and overlooked the whole, and indeed their blindness is marvelous.
Many years ago I done a little bit of study on mysticism, it is a scientific approach, then one day at the KH during WT study it was about things like the elements, and functioning of trees and such. That Jehovah was in control of theis actions going on with in the tree, and it got me thinking back on the mysticism stuff that like in our bodies all the cells, and what not have like a mind of it's own but are actually part of a much larger mind. The cells and what nots are little minds that are concidered as microcosms, and the larger mind called the macrocosm. Then I realized the WT study was on the same subject only giving the name Jehovah to the macrocosm. I then was able to make a lot of comments during this WT study.
Shortly after I seen a program on TV a group of scientist acknowledging that there haves to be an inteligent higher power a creater, and defuting the big bang theory. I remember little about the TV program, but the scientist had charts, and drawings of cells or attoms that are made of different parts and engineered like an electric motor, and the electric motor would run backward or forward just like mans electric motor when the electricity from (- negative) to (+ positive) are switched. Causing the cell to move back or forth. Then the scientist where giving charted statistics; the odds of of such a divice this cell or atom could have been made by chance, or the chance that two of the parts could have been made @ the same time by chance. The odds where astronomical, not to mention the spectacular duties that are in harmony with so many other things in the universe. It is imposible for there not to be a God.
One time I was walking down a business street, and called in by Church of Scientology, had me watch videos, and such. Sold me a book or I give donation I don't recall, and the very next time I went back they wanted to give me a job printing books. I asked what it pay, and the reply was (volunteer). @ least they honest. Hint Hint JW
To tell the truth I haven't seen an org. that do not want or need money.
"remember, always, young man, that science which has become a great power in the last century, has analyzed everything divine handed down to us in the holy books.
after this cruel analysis the learned of this world have nothing left of all that was sacred.
but they have only analyzed the parts and overlooked the whole, and indeed their blindness is marvelous.
did anyone catch the documentary on rumspringa among the amish????
i thought it was pretty interesting stuff.
rumspringa is a time for adolescent amish youth are allowed to pretty much "run around" and do anything they please, before deciding whether to join the church or to leave it.
Amish have it all figured out.
There are Amish around here. I hear that they can buy property from an outsider, but can not sell to an outsider. They don't have electricity, or anything gas powered. They can not own power equipment, but they can use yours as long as you pay for the fuel.
i recently met a woman here at work (a contractor) and discovered she is an ex-jw.
eventually we got around to telling why each of us left the religion.
she said the main reason for her was not doctrines, but because she was tired of the physical and emotional abuse she received.