Did anyone catch the documentary on Rumspringa among the Amish???? I thought it was pretty interesting stuff. Rumspringa is a time for adolescent Amish youth are allowed to pretty much "run around" and do anything they please, before deciding whether to join the church or to leave it. Shockingly, most decide to join. I believe they said around 80% end up getting baptized and become members of the church. Those that decide to leave can do so, although eerily enough, all the ones they interviewed spoke about how they are haunted everyday by the thought that they will NEVER get to heaven. But they are not shunned. Now if they do decide to join the church and then leave, well the the whole shunning thing happens. Much like Jw's.....Anyways, left me thinking...Why wasn't I raised Amish instead of Jw??? I would have been out by 16 and still been able to talk to family! Who would have thought?
by mentalclearness 15 Replies latest jw friends
It's a great outlet for that adolescent surge of energy. The amish have been around a lot longer than the jws, and their system is a lot more complete, not that it is without problems, though.
AK - Jeff
We've seen it here. We live in an area with many Amish just a few miles away from my home.
Several big 'barn drunks' 'minor consuming' events have been raided with tons of Amish kids herded off for a day or two behind bars. I have not heard of many of them using drugs however. And prego Amish girls underage are either rare or well hidden in the community. I have not met many who ever chose to leave after rumspringa.
Not only does that allow them to sow their wild oats, it also bonds them to their buddies and into the amish society, a sort of passage into adulthood.
Actually, the documentary showed Amish kids with drug problems. And they seem to also have a problem with teen pregnancy but obviously it is rare. I just found it interesting that when they were allowed to do whatever they wanted they went completely overboard with the freedom. Just going from one extreme to the other. A lot like many Jw's I know when they get their first chance of freedom.
I thought it was interesting for sure, I did not know of this custom. At least there is a provision for the kids to get a taste of life outside the Amish community and make a decision one way or the other. They were very grown up about the consequences as well, they know what will happen with association with their family whether they made the decision to stay or leave. From what I saw they did little whining about it. And yes they encountered problems but all seemed to be taking the consequences of those actions as well.
Another thing that seemed interesting was the fact that they seemed to just hang out with other Amish, I mean even after they decided not to join the church. Which makes sense considering their is an instant bond with someone who has been raised so similiar (and weird) as yourself. I mean, I find that with ex jw's..You don't even have to explain anything...Everybody went through the same garbage...We all were forced to knock on doors, to take a stand at school, to not miss meetings, blah blah blah....I mean it is hard to explain that to people who have never experienced this.
Yeah, they really looked out after one another and were not judgemental.
They are really way more isolated than JW's from the "world"
So I would think integrating would be harder for them.
Is this the same documentary that had the big speakers in the horse buggy? I got a kick out of that guy.
I am sure it was the same one. It was kind of strange because the parents and older people in general seemed much more laid back about the whole thing...You know, like it was just a normal process..Going out and partying...
Yes, and even
Reminisced about their own rumspringa, going to the movies, driving in a car etc. It was refreshing to hear the older couple's nostalgia.
I am glad you started this thread, I was going to but just never got around to it.