How do JW's feel about hunting with a firearm?
The local familly ran congregation were always planning hunting trips, and never did invite me I don't want them any way...
is there anything that keeps a jw from buying a gun for personal protection?.
has the watchtower issued any edicts on this?
just curious.. .
How do JW's feel about hunting with a firearm?
The local familly ran congregation were always planning hunting trips, and never did invite me I don't want them any way...
is there anything that keeps a jw from buying a gun for personal protection?.
has the watchtower issued any edicts on this?
just curious.. .
My dad always had guns, but as far as how JWs feel about it does not count because my dad was the master of giving a snow job and was in good standing with the JWs in spite it would be rather obvious that he had guns, lots of them, may be more then the local police department. he even manufactured his own guns and amunition, and always had a gun close by. Always
My mother tells this story about when they were in Mississippi out in service with my dad and three other men that looked to here pretty shady, like mafia or some thing, and the trunk of the car was full of guns, then the sheriff pulled them over. My mother said she was terrified, that she thought they were going to get in trouble with the guns, but the sheriff just told them that they have to leave the area. No preaching here...
Being that they were in Mississippi in the 60s, my guess is that the other guys in the car with them were KKK disguised as JWs
ok, you read the topic so ask me and i will tell you as long as it is not too personal.
only sincere questions will get a response.. t.f.d.s..
This is a detective storySo Pay Close Attention!!!..
Three ladies are excited about seeing Their first baseball game . ...
They smuggle a bottle ofinto the ball park ......The game is real excitingAnd they are enjoying themselves immensely...mixing the Jack Daniel's with soft drinks .......
Soon they realize that the bottle is almost gone and the game has a lot of innings to go.
Based on the given information, what inning is it and how many players are on base?Think!Think some more!!You're gonna love it Answer:
It's the bottom of the fifth, and the
Bags are loaded!
i mien what difference does it make weather jesus died on a cross or a stake, or if people believe that they go to heaven or hell, or if one wants to call it church or a kingdum hall, as long as they are happy, and it does not change what god really has in store.. all arguing with other people with these senseless issues does is kick the crutch out from under someone elses faith.
so to speak.. it makes me think that they have to knock everyone elses product because their product is no good.. or may be there is a message between the lions.... .
Did you notice the cross in the photo? Oh well it doesn't matter...
The cross was first used for a non religeous porpose before religion. As a symbol or a simple form of a language and is still being used to this day to represent duality. One thing does not exist with out the other. night/day, male/female, life/death, etc./etc.
i mien what difference does it make weather jesus died on a cross or a stake, or if people believe that they go to heaven or hell, or if one wants to call it church or a kingdum hall, as long as they are happy, and it does not change what god really has in store.. all arguing with other people with these senseless issues does is kick the crutch out from under someone elses faith.
so to speak.. it makes me think that they have to knock everyone elses product because their product is no good.. or may be there is a message between the lions.... .
I mien what difference does it make weather Jesus died on a cross or a stake, or if people believe that they go to heaven or hell, or if one wants to call it church or a kingdum hall, as long as they are happy, and it does not change what God really has in store.
All arguing with other people with these senseless issues does is Kick the crutch out from under someone elses faith. So to speak.
It makes me think that they have to knock everyone elses product because their product is no good.
Or may be there is a message between the lions...
my mother let it slip the other day that all the families in their hall are putting together a small suitcase.
inside this suitcase are to be things that you will take with you if given a 5 minute warning that the great tribulation is starting and you need to leave your home.
my father seemed quite embarrassed that this slipped.
Do not they trust their own God? nor Believe their own bible?
Mathew 24: 14 And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
15 “Therefore, when YOU catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use discernment,) 16 then let those in Ju·de´a begin fleeing to the mountains. 17 Let the man on the housetop not come down to take the goods out of his house; 18 and let the man in the field not return to the house to pick up his outer garment. 19 Woe to the pregnant women and those suckling a baby in those days! 20 Keep praying that YOUR flight may not occur in wintertime, nor on the sabbath day; 21 for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.
Acts 2: 21 And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.”’
she sent me an email with a picture of her child enjoying the treats, talking about how much he was enjoying learning about bats in school... so she made him bat-shaped cookies.
i sent her this reply:.
"i'm glad "brian" is enjoying school so much!
It seem to me I was told in bible study that you are not to posses idols or anything that was used for idols should be destroyed, and was given an example of the golden calf the Isrealites had. That the Isealites were instructed to get rid of the golden calf and were not allowed to even use it or any part of it for anything else, in fact they were not even allowed to melt the golden calf down and use the gold.
Then I went to a JWs house that was full of JWs that had no wiring for lights so they had christmas tree lights up everywhere for lights.
yes, i do!
i did it 20 years ago, but the elders still remember what i did, sometimes i wish they never knew about it.
After I have seen that the elders keep written reports and letters, and have seen them bring up things more then 40 years old I know better then to tell them anything.
If their Jehovah has a book of memory of the good that you do for him and the bad is put behind him to never be brought up again then why do they need to keep records? Because they do not have Jehovah's backing is what that tells me.
As far for the Elders I would like to tell them, "If you have an erection lasting more then four hours you should consault your doctor."
ok, i have to admit that i thoroughly enjoyed the wt study yesterday nov 1 about adopting jesus' personality.. it was far from the ho hum studies that focuses on fs.. my question is..............who writes the wt study articles?
this one was definitely written by someone other than the last 50 or so articles.. so is there anyone out there who knows how these articles are submitted.
there is a famous article written back in the late 90's dealing with depression.
I was told that the anointed at the society wrote the WT. The anointed at local congregations made reports about coments made at meetings to the anointed at the society. and through prayer write the articles.
That is supposed to be part of the faithful descreet slave class.