I know for a fact that I seen a planet last spring that was so vivad that I could make out the surface of it. When I saw it I knew it was something that has not been seen for thousands of years. I was surprised that I haven't heard about this object before hand and every one was not looking for it. Like in the case of the eclipse and many other unusual things in the sky, the public was told so they could see it. I seen it go down with the sun one evening then come up with the sun the next morning. Even afterwards there has not been a simple explination for what I seen, and although I must have gotten a better view then any one else on all the videos I have watched I know that it would have done no good to have a photo of it. No one would beleive that it was real.
I think all that I have looked into by watching videos because I do not like to read, I have come to the conclution that they are all wrong, but with bits and pieces I think I have found the evidence of my first hunch to be correct that everything is about to become in a perfect balance for the universe and earth.
I do believe that there is going to be a great solar storm, very soon.
I do not believe that the planet I seen was this planet x, because if it were, we would have been bombarted with meteors or something with all the stuff this planet x would be dragging along with it. If it even exists?
As far as the 10 planet (what ever that is) would cause "Armageddon" I do not think so because Armageddon is a spiritual (invisable) war between the good Angles and the bad Angles that has already started and we can see the signs of it with the war that we are in on earth.
Take Care Brothers and Sisters, Jesus has a plan for us...