I thought about getting baptized but I haven't the time for what the congregation expected out of me. It is hard to explain, but it is humanly imposssible with my employment and other things. I would need be married to an elders daughter to explain things for me.
I did the best I can do, and I think that is what is required is to do your best, but evidently it is not good enough for the elders. Too bad for the WTS, and good for me for I think it is no longer a requirment to be baptized with water anymore anyway. I think being baptized by water is under the mosaic law and we are no longer under the mosaic law.
Look back what John the baptist said Mathew 3: 11 "I, for my part, baptize YOU with water because of YOUR repentance; but the one coming after me is stronger than I am, whose sandals I am not fit to take off. That one will baptize YOU people with holy spirit and with fire."