Do you shred paperwork before you throw it out?

by restrangled 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    I'm curious. There is so much fuss and bother about identity theft. Personally, no banking or credit card stuff goes into the trash. Everything else just gets ripped up and then I pile in the dog poop on top of it. I figure that might be a pretty good deterrent.

    Is it worth buying a shredder?

    What do you do?


  • cantleave

    I know I should, but I am too lazy to get the shredder set up and run everything through it. All my paper goes straight to the recycling bin,



    I wouldn`t be without a shredder..

    All paper work go`s into the shredder before it`s disposed of..


    It will be the best money spent since your new doggy bed..


  • trueblue

    I usually burn mine...

    Not that I am all that concerned about identity left, If some one can do more with my identity then I can well more power to them, maybe I will move in with them then.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It really takes little effort to shred papers, even after shredding I tend to put coffee grounds or other foodstuff into the same bag.

    My stuff really isn't worth stealing, but this way I know it won't be from the trash. I have seen enough scams in my lifetime to know that people do go through trash to get numbers and info. from people. I don't even like them knowing who I bought from or who I have accounts with, let alone the papers that contain the account numbers. I shred envelopes and all from incoming mail.

  • palmtree67

    I love shredding!!

    It makes me feel important, like "Hahaha!! That will never fall into the wrong hands!!"

  • Robdar

    I shred.

    BTW, a little shredder doesn't cost much.


    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • SixofNine

    I shredded about half of a NWT bible to make gift confetti for last years christmas. It makes for a very fine quality confetti I must say, and you'd be surprised at the volume (a kitchen garbage bag full) that comes just from the pentateuch.

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