I haven't found the scripture lately but it said "When a woman speaks the truth about God, Kings of armies will flee". May be that is what they are afraid of...
JoinedPosts by trueblue
Why Women Are Treated Second Class In This Organization?
by AvocadoJake inthe best bible scholars have been women in my realm of this religious world.
the women study their husbands watchtowers, prepare the parts, write their talks, put their ties on, get the shave cream out of their ears.
it must be hard and you must have the patiences of job, to be able to listen to, the many arrogant men and how you will (if you are a female annointed.
Any updates on the SPY network at the I.R.S., F.B.I., and other agencies for Watchtower Bible and Tract Society?
by Balaamsass incurious, with almost 25,000 members here.
network of j.w.
does anyone have any up to date info on the status of the volunteer "spies"?.
My Mother used to tell this story about when she went out in FS with my dad and two other JW's while in Missisippi in the early 1960's while they had the human rights officers that were murdered. She said the two JW's that went with them looked real shady and the trunk of the car was full of guns and ammo and a Sheriff pulled them over and told them to leave the area and they were not allowed to preach around there. My Mother said she was frightened that they were going to be arrested for the guns. I wonder if the shady looking JW's were KKK? there was some really crazy and weird stuff going on in them days around that neck of the woods.
Any updates on the SPY network at the I.R.S., F.B.I., and other agencies for Watchtower Bible and Tract Society?
by Balaamsass incurious, with almost 25,000 members here.
network of j.w.
does anyone have any up to date info on the status of the volunteer "spies"?.
I went out in field service one time and we went to a jail to deliver a bible a jailmate had requested, I went in the jail with an elder and the Sheriff's office secratary told us that the inmate had been transfered somewhere else and the information were he was moved to was confidential. When we got back to the van one of the so called sisters said she would look that up on the computer where she works and find out were he is (she works for a law firm)
Very superstitious, the Devil's on his way...
by Londo111 ingrowing up jw, the paranoia over demons oftentimes seemed to reach a medieval frenzy.
there was no shortage of places where demons were hiding, ready to possess those who stumbled upon them.
is there any religion on earth more superstitious (aka demon-fearing)?
I read this book one time a long time ago called mental poisoning and it was stating that makeing sudjetions to people hypnotizes themlike if you say to someone that they look ill then later on they may become ill and while someone under hypnosis is convenced that you are holding a red hot iron and you touch them on the arm the place you touch them on the arm will swell up and then it talked about the tomb of thumose or tutumcomin or something like that were the archiologist intered the tomb and they died some time later and everyone thought that the tomb was cursed or there was poison that was inhailed but the book was saying that it was because they read the message on the walls that they would die and it hypnotized them into thinking that they would die so they did.
Very superstitious, the Devil's on his way...
by Londo111 ingrowing up jw, the paranoia over demons oftentimes seemed to reach a medieval frenzy.
there was no shortage of places where demons were hiding, ready to possess those who stumbled upon them.
is there any religion on earth more superstitious (aka demon-fearing)?
Very superstitious, the Devil's on his way...
by Londo111 ingrowing up jw, the paranoia over demons oftentimes seemed to reach a medieval frenzy.
there was no shortage of places where demons were hiding, ready to possess those who stumbled upon them.
is there any religion on earth more superstitious (aka demon-fearing)?
Demonic album cover revealed http://smyln2bigblogspot.com/2010/12/josh-groban-a
Judge no one!
by free2beme ini have noticed the older i get, that society as a whole has really focused on one central message in the world.
which to me is this, "judge no one for anything, and let people do what they want.".
while some will speak up about the wrong of others (excuse me, wrong is kind of a judgement word).
Judge and you will be judged according to the way that you are judging not that it is wrong to judge. A person can not help to judge to some extent or people will tresspass all over you, you can't let someone do the same thing to you over and over again. If I have someone doing something that offends me I just concider the sorce and keep ignoring them in a way that is not rude. like at work or something I will go to break the other way around until the person notices maybe does something that causes me to think different of them or I figure out that I was wrong. Now that I am in Business for myself and have plenty of regular customers the ones that are the biggest pain in the rear are on the last of the list. Money talks and bullshit walks.
What all does it mean to "get out of her"? Do you need to formally disassociate?
by ataloa inthis has been nagging at me a little bit; i left 10 years ago, but am not df'd as far as i know.
i recognize the fact that this organization has no authority over me so would not bother with a letter just for them to clean up their records.. but to obey the bible command, is it enough to no longer be a part of it, or is it important to show god where you stand with a formal act of withdrawal from the organization?
what are your thoughts?.
It is a strange scripture saying to flee to the mountains during before the tribulation and that supposedly what they did but the scripture has a twist in it that sudjest that it is for our days but there really no mountains were someone could hide now days, so it must be a spiritual or mental instead of physical or meterial.
My grandmother said she never would go to taverns because she never lost anything there so she isn't going to find anything there either.
Still trying to figure to tie the saying to going to the JW's... I guess it they did not make me loose my familly they kept me from ever having one.
My grandmother told my mother she wish she knew them were JW's she would have run them off at the start... I don't answer the door to them anymore, and too busy to talk to them in public, it is the only way to get them to quit.
Some how the scripture in revelation about ones not excepting the mark and being beheaded is not physical it is not excepting false religeon including JW's especially JW's because they shun you the same as cutting ones head off mentally, it would be more polite if they actually killed you.
by AvocadoJake inthere is a sister in our hall who has made it clear why her "jehovah" does not like weak ones.
her husband the po, will refuse to work with those who are not getting ten hours or more a month.
the weak ones "are spiritually dangerous and will bring you down.
SM: If you are still in then I hope you find some (Elders & MS) who sincerely feel like I did;
Would not do any good if I did now because I will not live long enough to learn to put up with their crap and it would not do do me any good to put up with there crap because the damage is all done, there is no familly left for me, then they have enough nerve to bring out a letter nearly 40 years old that was supposed to make me feel better, they should have left that letter in their a$$, and at the same time they say to me you are suppose to forgive freely and also told me that they can not beleive anything that I say because I said things about god's people that wasn't true when they are the ones saying things about my familly and I that isn't true so we even then I can not beleive anything they say and what the "H" do they want to talk to me or ask me questions if they can not beleive me.
The last time I tried going out in FS an elder anounced that they were going out in service and I showed up to go and not enough people showed up so the elder decided he was going to spend quality time with his familly and tells me about the new rule about having to do the questions again or you could go with an elder (but he is having quality time with his familly and I wish I even had a familly) and get this the same elder gives a talk about or to people going in FS that if they come accross someone interested and at the same time have other plans you should give up the things that you want and help the person in need. The list goes on and on with these two faced bassturd's, they tell me I can not volunteer work on the KH because I am not baptized then I see and here of none baptized people working on the KH. They imbarass me and by getting me to stand in line to look at the board for Tuesday meeting and everyone looks at me as though I am an out cast and elder says they can not put my name on the board unless you are baptized and I look and there is a nonebaptized person's name on the board. When ever I was only creating an odd number and getting in the way of their little clicks.
They are impossible and I did not want to clean their toilets anyway...
JWs Depression and Suicide
by 00DAD insince jehovah's witnesses supposedly have "the truth" and are part of god's visible organization living in a "spiritual paradise" you would naturally expect that they should be the happiest people on earth!
this clearly is not the case.
wha happened?
Knew this one JW that was always getting DFed, as I could see it the congo had someone to pick on and it was him. H ewalked out in front of a train, I believe the story: it was not suicide, but I think the congo always had him so depressed that he wasn't paying attention, and was hit by the train.