The best Bible scholars have been women in my realm of this religious world. The women study their husbands Watchtowers, prepare the parts, write their talks, put their ties on, get the shave cream out of their ears. It must be hard and you must have the patiences of Job, to be able to listen to, the many arrogant men and how you will (If you are a female annointed.) ruling only over women in Heaven. How are you able to not laugh, when you hear things like "The Sun Never Set On The Babylonian Empire?" "When In Babylon, Due As the Babylonians Do?" "Simple Cell Orgasms are not so simple!" Brothers who are not able to read, yet they are elders. Sisters who could have a degree from Moody's Bible School (their knowledge is deep.), yet listen without mocking or laughing at the proud bumpkins.
Why Women Are Treated Second Class In This Organization?
by AvocadoJake 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Did you mean ... organisms?
{Simple Cell Orgasms are not so simple!" }
I haven't found the scripture lately but it said "When a woman speaks the truth about God, Kings of armies will flee". May be that is what they are afraid of...
Band on the Run
I was appalled growing up at the intense hatred of women. God created us but we can only do robotic tasks. I was practicing in a large law firm, stayed with the family through thick and thin, completed every task, etc. My clueless bro dropped out of society completely into a political cult. He comes home after a decade of not knowing whether he was alive. My JW uncle ordered me to take my place. Brother would now make all family decisions. It was the day I finally screamed back and lost it emotionally.
The Bible, even at its most 1st century, does not lead to hatred of women. Paul's colleagues were women and are mentioned prominently. Mary Magdalene supported Jesus financially. She was a close disciple. I was able to work for a Senate Subcommittee and came in contact with conservative, Bible thumping Southern senators. They paid lip service to the Bible edicts. Privately, they said it had to be taken with a grain of salt. I recall one ultra conservative actually interrupting a Bible thumping pastor concerning women's rights.
These marriages must be hell. Rutherford detested women but could not abstain from them. It seems to me, though, that it is now too tenuous an explanation. Women could completely take over the organization.
Lunatic Faith
I've always been a hard studying student. I remember being in my 20's and receiving a 'shepherding call' from a couple elders. I realized I knew more than they did. My knowledge was more profound than theirs. I remember having to sit silent in a meeting rather than contradict a brother who had made a wrong comment. Brothers would get opportunities to go to Bethel or MTS school or theocratic ministry school--while I used my knowledge to knock on not-at-homes and make comments. I loved giving talks because it was the one time I could really shine because the vast majority of people, it seemed, had no speaking ability or reasoning ability or writing ability. After reading and studying everything published by the WTS, including the Insight books, I realized there was 'nothing new under the sun.' So many people in that organization never bother scratching the surface so they are always abundantly 'fed' spiritually with the same message over and over again. It used to irritate me at book study when it was so imperative a brother read that we would have to sit through an awful reading by a nearly illiterate brother rather than let a sister read. Sisters were always better readers!
The Watchtower Society has based its structure on the old testament patriarchal system. This second class position for women is repeated by Saint Paul and has been perpetuated by fundamentalist Christians. The bible is all about heavenly kings, priests, father and son duos. Heaven is an all male club. Even female members of the annointed class become male when they get to heaven.
Mind you Muslims loyal to the Koran have an even worse view of woman. Allah and Jehovah were not enlightened gods. Probably the result of poor parenting!
'Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration' Bene Gesserit
In the misguided notion of 'protecting women' Christianity, Judaism, and Islam held women back from leadership roles in history.
I used to deeply study the bible, and in doing so, would come up with very difficult questions. I would research the questions for a while, then I would ask an elder. They would just look through me and shrug. They had no idea, and not only that, they didn't even have enough knowledge to ask such a question. I would sometimes refer to quirky details I had read in the literature, and several times elders did not remember them, and they would publically put me down---the society never said that. I would actually get shaky, because it was quite humiliating to be talked to like that in public, and I would go look it up. I was always right--and I always wanted to prove that to them--but I was afraid that wouldn't be "humble" and challenging the elders would be "wrong" it wasn't my "place".
One time an elder was talking about the need for the seed after Adam and Eve sinned. At that time I mentioned that the society had said that possibly Eve thought that Cain was that seed. He talked to me like I was the stupidest woman on earth. "Oh, Eve knew better, She would have never thought that Cain was the seed." His tone said it all, and it was in front of someone. I felt so shaky and embarrassed. But I went home and looked it up. That is exactly what the Revelation Climax book said--therefore the society did say it.
Anyway, that was just one occurance. It happened quite often. They are arrogant and think a woman could not have studied and learned more that them.
i've always wondered why women accept being treated like second class citizens in the org.
Lunatic Faith
I've actually heard it said that Paul didn't like women. He never got married and it is his teachings that defined women's roles in the christian church. The longer I am away the more I see Christianity is based largely upon Paul's teachings and not Christs.