From reading your post it seems that you are really pissed off by the negative influence that the BorgOrg had on yourself and your family over all those years. I honestly feel the same with a similair story, without the college education glad you had the perception to pursue that.
Is your motivation out of revenge? or well intentioned and purposeful? I have to admit that there are times when I feel exactly the same. I have even ponderd the thought of plackarding at the summer assemblies with a sign that reads.......................JW'S A DANGEROUS RELIGION THAT RUINS FAMILIES CONTROLS MINDS .....BREAK FREE ASK ME HOW! (so I got it bad also)
What helps me to get those feelings under control is to put myself in their shoes , If I was still in what would I still think?Probably that I wouldn't give a damn about what you said personally of if you were DA'd.
Its also a no win situation, a one in a million how did we ever get into this situation with the whole BorgOrg, I guess we can thank our parents for their really bad decision making. When we are away long enough and are older we really appreciate how much family really does mean , so I guess what I am getting at is that a little disfunctional family contact with our members who are braindead is better than none at all (in most cases). The main fact is that we show our integrity to those who are close to us and that we are honest about why we left.... make sense?