If jesus returned invisibly in 1914 how would anyone really know? He was invisible. HA!!
Did they have special glasses to see the spirit world? Nice try guys. HA!
if jesus returned invisibly in 1914 how would anyone really know?
he was invisible.
If jesus returned invisibly in 1914 how would anyone really know? He was invisible. HA!!
Did they have special glasses to see the spirit world? Nice try guys. HA!
for those who have had years of panic induced by wt teachings and scare stories, how have you resolved having those feelings of impending doom?.
This is a great thread. Thank you all.Things that give me peace of mind are:
1. Knowing that everyday I am away from the WTBTS the smile on my face is real and not forced.
2. Not having to watch my autistic son cry at night afraid his schoolmates and teacher are going to die at armageddon.
3. A feeling of beginning to know my own mind each day. Being born into this cult has definitley cost me. Knowing my own mind is a beautful thing god gave me. My mind has been ressurected.
4. My wonderful wife and two beautiful childern who all walked away together at the same time.
5. The rest of my life with my family.
6. Helping family members and friends realize they need to leave.
7. Waking up each day to the beautiful gift of life. If this life is all there is so be it, whats wrong with that.
8. Knowing I have all my friends on this site to cheer me up when I am down. This has been a great place for therapy for me and my wife. Thank you!!
i'm passing this along from someone else on another discussion board.
the claim of any substantive change in the policy on pedophiles is news to me.
can anybody verify or falsify this claim?.
How in the hell does the two witness rule apply to pediphiles? Pediphiles make sure no one else is around to see the disgusting acts they do to children. The elders are going to try and enforce this two witness rule? Thats wrong and totally believable because after all we are dealing with a gross cult.
i'm passing this along from someone else on another discussion board.
the claim of any substantive change in the policy on pedophiles is news to me.
can anybody verify or falsify this claim?.
will there be an announcment on the world news saying " a great tribulation has begun in the world" or will the gb send a letter to all the kh's to scare the piss out of everybody saying "we the gb being gods chosen channel of communication have decided that the world's situation seems dire and are pleased to tell you that the great tribulation has started!".
obviously the world has been in a great tribulation since the time of jesus.
great tribulation does not mean some event that has to happen all at once all of a sudden.
When you see a marked increase in the buzzard/vulture bird population.
HAHA. Are you serious? Who counts to make sure there are more birds flying around?
will there be an announcment on the world news saying " a great tribulation has begun in the world" or will the gb send a letter to all the kh's to scare the piss out of everybody saying "we the gb being gods chosen channel of communication have decided that the world's situation seems dire and are pleased to tell you that the great tribulation has started!".
obviously the world has been in a great tribulation since the time of jesus.
great tribulation does not mean some event that has to happen all at once all of a sudden.
Will there be an announcment on the world news saying " A great tribulation has begun in the world" or will the GB send a letter to all the KH's to scare the piss out of everybody saying "We the GB being gods chosen channel of communication have decided that the world's situation seems dire and are pleased to tell you that the great tribulation has started!"
I mean seriously. Obviously the world has been in a great tribulation since the time of jesus. Great tribulation does not mean some event that has to happen all at once all of a sudden. Great tribulation can mean the plights of different people, someone may have cancer, aids, loved ones dying, terrorism, earthquakes killing thousands, tsunami killing hundreds of thousands.........i would say that the people who survive loved ones dying have been through a great tribulation. And if the same thing is happening to families throughout the world it is indeed great.
The GB will announce sometime in our lifetime that the great ribulation has started and the world will continue on as it has for over 6000 years.
was the flood the real armageddon, gods war?
if he promised not to bring the earth to ruin with a flood why would he use another means instead?
that would be like killing someone with a gun and then promiing to never kill again with a gun and instead using a knife.
Was the flood the real armageddon, Gods war? If he promised not to bring the earth to ruin with a flood why would he use another means instead? That would be like killing someone with a gun and then promiing to never kill again with a gun and instead using a knife. To save Noah from the wicked people on the earth to have the earth become even more wicked doesnt make any sense. With Satan still on the loose wouldnt Noahs offspring still be tempted to live in sin? Or did god think Noah and family could be sinless even tho god says that after adam all men were born into sin? I think armageddon is symbolic.
Any thoughts?
in the past year alone i can name off at least 17 people i know personally who have left the organihatesion.
none of us know each other well enough to hang out with each other either.
which means that it was not a planned exit by a group.
How many congregations did they come from?
It was from about four different halls in a 20 mile radius.
in the past year alone i can name off at least 17 people i know personally who have left the organihatesion.
none of us know each other well enough to hang out with each other either.
which means that it was not a planned exit by a group.
In the past year alone I can name off at least 17 people I know personally who have left the OrganiHATEsion. None of us know each other well enough to hang out with each other either. Which means that it was not a planned exit by a group. The internet is really doing a fine job of exposing the unfaithful and undiscreet slave class.
Can you imagine how many people will leave once 2014 rolls around, 100 years after 1914? I believe it will be like the 1975 fiasco, people leaving in droves.
yesterday my friend text me from his district convention and told me there was a new song book release.
i replied i don't care.
he can't understand why i never want to go back to the kh.
If its a website I show him he wont look. I need to have everything saved in the cdrom for him to listen.