I'm passing this along from someone else on another discussion board. The claim of any substantive change in the policy on pedophiles is news to me. Can anybody verify or falsify this claim? Thanks in advance! Robert V Frazier
From gratefuldude: My brother is a jw and we had some interesting discussions about the policy of reporting of sexual abuse and particularly pedophiles in the congregation.
My brother questioned an elder about the two witness rule that they use to determine if one has been abused.If a child for example accuses an elder or member of abusing her/him, the elders interrogate the victim and say essentially if you do not have two witnesses and the pedophile denies it, there is noting they can do. And if one tries to warn the others in the congregation that abuse has taken place, they stand a good chance of being disfellowshipped.
According to my brother, after a meeting where the speaker mentioned the sins of the Catholic Church concerning hiding the abuse and moving the abuser; my brother asked him how they could condemn the Catholics while they were doing the same things. My brother saw the television documentaries and was aware of the payouts and hush money to the victims.
I don't recall the elders answer but my brother called me with good news and said because the WT had to pay out so much money they now reported to the police each occurrence of abuse and dis-allowed pedophiles from going door to door. I suspected this New Light was meant to shut my brother up. I can't see them admitting they were wrong all of these years and having to apologise to the victims.?? I also found it interesting that their reason for changing this policy was due to law suits and not because it was the right thing to do.
So does anyone know if the two witness rule is still their policy? If it has been changed has their been a public statement to let the members know.? And last but not least wouldn't a change that would require the police to investigate all abuse allegations mean their two witness rule was wrong and therefore the Bible was wrong as they interpret it.? There is much information on this subject of sexual abuse at Silent Lambs if anyone is interested. . Thanks for any information one might have on this subject.