JoinedPosts by foolsparadise
New From HAPPYDUB Inc: The "Between-Doors-Buddy"
by Rumspringa inover on jwr, i'm known as nightgoat.
this is my first post on jwnet as rumspringa .thought i'd take some shots @ the org from your corner of the pool.. a new site "the laughing apostate" is soon to be up that specialize's in anti-dub humour for those that have been out for awhile & whose scar tissue won't mind some sick n' twisted org-bashing.. .
bought my first lottery ticket today
by John Doe inmy state now has a lottery, so i decided it was time to buy one.
i paid $2 for a powerball ticket, so now i need to figure out how to spend my winnings.
i've never even looked at lotteries before, but the woman at the counter was nice enough to explain the different ones to me.
Hey the money goes to the schools. Thats a good thing!! If you can afford to lose $2 then its not a gamble now is it.
Did You Ever Secretly "Sin" & The Elders Never Knew About It?
by minimus inwe, as elders, would every so often give a little talk about keeping the congregation clean and that if anyone felt the need to talk to us, to get whatever is bothering them off their chest, we would be readily available to them.
you'd be shocked to see how many would tell us some naughty things they were feeling guilty about.. i'm sure there were plenty of smart people who simply kept quiet and didn't say a word.. here's your opportunity to tell us what you wouldn't tell them..
Yes. Holy spirit never exposed my sins either. I left a couple years ago
Why would god do this?!
by foolsparadise inwhy would a loving god place a tree of knowledge of good and bad in the garden and tell the two humans they could not eat from it?
did he like tempting them or what?
i honestly don't get it.
They already ate from the tree of Life!
Why would god do this?!
by foolsparadise inwhy would a loving god place a tree of knowledge of good and bad in the garden and tell the two humans they could not eat from it?
did he like tempting them or what?
i honestly don't get it.
Got It!!
Why would god do this?!
by foolsparadise inwhy would a loving god place a tree of knowledge of good and bad in the garden and tell the two humans they could not eat from it?
did he like tempting them or what?
i honestly don't get it.
Why would god do this?!
by foolsparadise inwhy would a loving god place a tree of knowledge of good and bad in the garden and tell the two humans they could not eat from it?
did he like tempting them or what?
i honestly don't get it.
Why would a loving god place a tree of knowledge of good and bad in the garden and tell the two humans they could not eat from it? Did he like tempting them or what? I honestly don't get it. Its like he set them up to fail knowing Satan was right there waiting to tempt them.
If there was an angel with a flaming sword guarding the tree how in the heck did Eve walk up to it and pluck off the piece of fruit?
Did god only create humans out of boredom?Afterall if someone doesnt have a maker and is by himself forever he would get bored.
Did he create humans to challenge Satan, to show Satan that humans can be obedient to only him?
Rwhanda Genocide in the 90's
by foolsparadise ini bet the african jws thought armageddon had started when they and everyone else were being hacked to death by machete..
You are not very smart either. It was blacks killing blacks. There was no racism involved. It was to tribes involved in a conflict. You obviously do not know what you are talking about. Go start problems somewhere else and get a life.
Rwhanda Genocide in the 90's
by foolsparadise ini bet the african jws thought armageddon had started when they and everyone else were being hacked to death by machete..
Did I say that? You are quick to judge someone. I think what happened is disgusting. I feel pity for them thinking armageddon had started and the reason they were being attacked was because god abandoned them as if they were not worthy of being saved.
Get a life Old Hippie. I say that you are laughable
Rwhanda Genocide in the 90's
by foolsparadise ini bet the african jws thought armageddon had started when they and everyone else were being hacked to death by machete..
I bet the African Jws thought Armageddon had started when they and everyone else were being hacked to death by machete.