OOPS...beaten to it!!
JoinedPosts by losthusband
JWs in UK appealing for charity donations for beds
by edmond dantes inwhile the watchtower leaders smugly bury their glorious leaders and eulogise about their dedication to jehovah i.e.
watchtower publishing company , their brothers and sisters of the lower order in the uk are begging for charitable donations through the jah jireh care home home site.. it seems as if some of the millions who will never die are now doing just that and are in need of urgent help because armageddon or cloud cuckoo land as it is known to the sane, refuses to show up.. maybe the past w/t presidents who have reached their sell by dates residing in the heavenly realm can speed things up a little.. if you would like to make a donation go to the jah jireh website and check out the latest news..
JWs in UK appealing for charity donations for beds
by edmond dantes inwhile the watchtower leaders smugly bury their glorious leaders and eulogise about their dedication to jehovah i.e.
watchtower publishing company , their brothers and sisters of the lower order in the uk are begging for charitable donations through the jah jireh care home home site.. it seems as if some of the millions who will never die are now doing just that and are in need of urgent help because armageddon or cloud cuckoo land as it is known to the sane, refuses to show up.. maybe the past w/t presidents who have reached their sell by dates residing in the heavenly realm can speed things up a little.. if you would like to make a donation go to the jah jireh website and check out the latest news..
Some more info on Jah Jireh
From Their Website - www.jah-jireh.org
Jah-Jireh residential homes are established and run to give accommodation and personal care to dedicated, baptised Jehovah's Witnesses who are in need of such care. The objective of this care is to provide an environment in which ur brothers and sisters will feel loved and looked after in a theocratic home which is run for their benefit and staffed only by brothers and sisters. This is absolutely necessary for those times when consolation and spiritual encouragement are necessary to care for the brothers and sisters.
We do recognise that the primary responsibility to care for elderly ones lies firstly with their families and secondly with the congregation, however there will be times when this arrangement will not suffice, and this would be the time when Jah-Jireh homes would be able to fill the need.
The homes are established on a firm scriptural basis - James 1:27; Proverbs 3:27,28; Matthew 5:42; James 2:14-17; Matthew 25:35-40. The name Jah-Jireh is also scripturally based -Genesis 22:14. Another objective is to ensure that our brothers and sisters are taken to all the meetings, assemblies and conventions provided that they have the desire and ability to go, and we are able to make this provision.Overview
Each of the care homes have a Management Team who are supported by a well rounded out staff team many of whom are experienced carers and have worked for Jah-Jireh for at least 5 years. The brothers and sisters spirituality is of primary importance. Local elders and the trustees visit the homes to encourage the brothers and sisters on a regular basis.Residents can also be taken to the meetings at Kingdom Hall each week and to the best of our ability transport is arranged for assemblies and conventions. A DVD of the convention is available each year for those unable to attend.
Where practical there is provision for the annual memorial celebration with assistance of the brothers and sisters from the local congregation. The Daily Text is considered each day and collective preparation for meetings is encouraged.
The homes come under the oversight of the Senior Care Managers who visit the homes regularly. Residents are encouraged to give feedback about the home on a regular basis.Each home has regular visits by opticians, chiropodists, doctors and dentists.
Jah-Jireh is a charity - not a business. The Charity Registration No is 1062023 and it is registered for the care of Jehovah's Witnesses Only.
Most-Ignored Scriptures by JWs
by Mad Sweeney inthe watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
Are the JWs really short of cash.....2 weeks in Hawaii anyone!!
by losthusband inwhy spend $100 million going to hawaii!!.
i was under the impression that wtbts were selling up because they were short of funds......wouldn't this money be better spent donated elsewhere?.
Rather than encouraging thousands of individual JWs to spend millions of dollars to go to Hawaii rather than to a local convention, (the schedule is the same as the "Keep on the Watch" conventions) wouldn't they be better off encouraging them to donate more to the WTBTS?
It was actually meant as an ironic, rhetorical question considering how a JW from Denmark felt it necessary to go to Hawaii for a convention he could attend in Europe. And whether it was actually because it was in Hawaii that they he had decided to attend this convention!
Are the JWs really short of cash.....2 weeks in Hawaii anyone!!
by losthusband inwhy spend $100 million going to hawaii!!.
i was under the impression that wtbts were selling up because they were short of funds......wouldn't this money be better spent donated elsewhere?.
Why spend $100 million going to Hawaii!!
I was under the impression that WTBTS were selling up because they were short of funds......wouldn't this money be better spent donated elsewhere?
Or could it be that they are just like everybody else and love a good "business" trip to a nice location now and again!!
By the way, check out the last sentence in the article...."Simultaneous foreign language sessions will be presented, almost like the U.N.," - strange thing to say, considering how we all know they feel about that organisation!
Evolutionists - please help!
by Georgiegirl inok. (taking deep breath) i am finally at that point in my recovery where i am ready to look at evolution as more than a loose theory which is clearly disprovable by the fact that all the bones proving it could be in a coffin.
or, um, some illustration like that.. i feel like first i have to "unlearn" the jw teaching of evolution to learn what "real" evolution is.
then, learn about that and then see how i feel.
By the way......I was given a book to read by my wife --- Life How did it get here - By evolution or creation?
I read it with this study guide........ http://www.dimaggio.org/Heretic/critical.htm
I think you'll find it very interseting!!
Evolutionists - please help!
by Georgiegirl inok. (taking deep breath) i am finally at that point in my recovery where i am ready to look at evolution as more than a loose theory which is clearly disprovable by the fact that all the bones proving it could be in a coffin.
or, um, some illustration like that.. i feel like first i have to "unlearn" the jw teaching of evolution to learn what "real" evolution is.
then, learn about that and then see how i feel.
I am just finishing reading this and it is brilliant!!
Richard Dawkins - Greatest Show on Earth.
Anyone here from the North West of England!
by losthusband inas i continue my research to enable me to help my family see that they are not actually in "the truth", i am am looking to meet with a "real-life" ex jw, or at least converse with one via email etc.. it does appear that there are some differences in organisational rules/regulations/enforcement across the world, so i would like to speak to someone who is local and familiar with the uk set up.. i don't have any particular questions etc.
at the moment, it would just be nice to have a friend who i can ask help from and maybe even offer some support myself.......maybe even buy them a pint!!!.
As I continue my research to enable me to help my family see that they are not actually in "The Truth", I am am looking to meet with a "real-life" ex JW, or at least converse with one via email etc.
It does appear that there are some differences in organisational rules/regulations/enforcement across the world, so I would like to speak to someone who is local and familiar with the UK set up.
I don't have any particular questions etc. at the moment, it would just be nice to have a friend who I can ask help from and maybe even offer some support myself.......maybe even buy them a pint!!!
1914.....1919......Where did these dates come from?!?
by losthusband inwhilst trying to discuss the history of jwism with my family, the 1914 and 1919 dates were brought up!.
is there a definitive topic/article which discusses these dates?.
i have heard talk of pyramids, and no scriptural basis at all.
Thanks for all the help!
Looks like I'll have some reading to do over the next few days.......
1914.....1919......Where did these dates come from?!?
by losthusband inwhilst trying to discuss the history of jwism with my family, the 1914 and 1919 dates were brought up!.
is there a definitive topic/article which discusses these dates?.
i have heard talk of pyramids, and no scriptural basis at all.
Whilst trying to discuss the history of JWism with my family, the 1914 and 1919 dates were brought up!
Is there a definitive topic/article which discusses these dates?
I have heard talk of pyramids, and no scriptural basis at all. Is this true?
I also understand that "God" chose the JWs in 1919. What was the selection criteria and how do they know?!?
Any help or guidance on this would be appreciated. My family seem to just accept this as fact!!!