OtWO said - "An earth covered with water does not explain the mountain ranges. Equal pressure on all the land pushing down does not cause some areas to massively push up, and they know the vast majority of mountains are not volcanic."
Right you are my friend, AND a minor point our WT buddies forget can be summed up in one simple question: Which is heavier, rock or water? If you drop a rock in water... it sinks. The "flood geology" explanation relies on a reversal of this fact. Any "sciency" sounding hypothesis to rationalize it inevitably leads to the conclusion that God made the earth as a ticking time bomb to eventually destroy everything on it, i.e. he had to set everything up like dominoes to eventually knock it down. And that begs the question, why would God create man and then immediately put a "gun" to his head. (Ummmm because God is evil and violent?) But fortuantely theres no real science behind those fundie explanations for "flood geology" anyway so... yeah.
Oh! And everyone who's interested in this topic should read the entire page(s) that Hopscotch linked to!!! Great stuff. The WT "responses" are classic.