I have noticed this a lot in attitudes of witness relatives I've talked with over the last few years , as well as other former witness friends I have talked to. Many witnesses feel bad about themselves due to having it drilled into them that we are all " sinners " who allegedly inherited " sin and imperfection " from Adam and Eve . That essentially humans are " born dead " or in a " dying " condition due to alleged " inherited sin " . So then in the Jehovah's Witnesses the premise is built in early on that NOTHING good can come from " imperfect humans " but good can ONLY come due to a blessing from God or some supreme being INFLUENCING us to be good - not that WE OURSELVES CAN be good of our own inititiave .
I had this odd insight brought to my attention in a dramatic way a year and a half ago when in discussion with my older JW daughter . She mentioned to me , " You know dad, NONE of us deserve to live ! We ALL deserve to die ! We are all so sinful ! It's only a free gift that Jehovah gives us life in the paradise ! Only by Jesus dying a ransom sacrifice for our sins do we have a chance to be brought back in God's favor ! " I felt so sad within myself to see my daughter look at herself in such a negative way. When she was born as a baby - I thought she was perfect ! But to see what religion causes , or how the witnesses view themselves is denigrating.
Also, in a conversation with my older elder ex-Bethel ( 8 yrs. ) brother about 2 weeks ago when talking about how bad child molesters are he spouted out, " Well you know Flipper, all of us are IMPERFECT CREEPS ! " I told my brother, " Hey now ! I may be imperfect but I'm not a CREEP ! " I continued, " You may be imperfect ! But you aren't a CREEP either ! " I said, " Now child molesters - THEY are imperfect creeps ! " I continued, " Brother - There is a huge difference between someone who is imperfect and someone who committs a felony child abuse deserving punishment for a crime ! Two different things ! " So he agreed sheepishly, " Well, you have a good point. "
So have any of you seen this or dealt with this in talking to Jehovah's Witnesses . It's like they are SO MOROSE in their view of themselves , their life, which in my opinion translates to having that judgmental , morose attitude towards everybody else in life - especially towards non-witnesses . What I try to do is build up JW relatives when talking to them about life. I try to help them appreciate the here and now- and think about the authentic, family things that are important ! Dwell on ANYTHING except guilt and negativity, try to keep it positive. So what have you seen or experienced in this regards ?? As always I look forward to your input ! Have a great day ! Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper