darkyl, I think that one of the problems with your position is that the Creationists/ theistic arguments are generally not as vague as you present them. At least not the ones in the writings by the prominent theorists.
THat is a very good point. Although I don't see how you say you've never seen a creationist argument phrased that way... the broad sweeping argumets are far more common in the fundamenalist type churches. And for proof of that, you need look no further than JW publications. Then agan, one thing you and I both know and can agree on is that the JWs don't exactly represent the pinnacle of Christian apologetics. BUt trust me, I still listen to Christian radio and have downloaded lots of sermons about evolution and "proof" of God's existence, and those arguments are pretty common. But you're right, I wouldn't expect Michael Behe or Stephen Meyer to make those kinds of statements.
The more intelligent apologetics are much more deliberate and reasoned in their argumentation than the the knee-jerk fundamentalists. However, based on the ones I've read they still skirt pretty close to ending up in the same place. For example, the argument from complexity, which is a cornerstone of the ID movement, argues that complex life could not evolve and bears indications of design. That still raises the question: is God not complex? If you say, "Well, thats complex biological life," then you've just arbitrarily defined God to be exempt from your argument, and you're back to the point where you must provide justification for how you are able to assert, let alone affirm, anything positive about God's nature. How do you know God isn't biological? How do you know he is"spiritual"? What is "spiritual"? Are spiritual things complex? Why is he a "he"? Why does God have a gender when gender is a biological trait? That kind if thing... (not saying you are making those claims, just using them as examples).
And even if all the "evidence" of design is proof of a designer, (I'll repeate wobble's question which went completely unanswered), why the quantum leap of logic to say that it must be a "God" that did it? You still can't be certain that it was a god, let alone your God.
You're in effect saying, 'If X is true, then God exists.'
What I'm saying is, 'Provided X is true, show me the link between X and God. Otherwise I could just as easily say that If X is true then Voltron exists.' Which would be really awesome, btw. :)
Voltron, FTW!